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I had no sense of time in the cell. No one came to give me food nor water, and I was beginning to get desperate.

My armor had begun to get uncomfortable, so I had unlatched the white armor pieces and was left shivering in my black underclothes. The long black sleeve shirt was surprisingly thin, while the pants were skin tight to avoid any unwanted creases and folds with the armor.

Now, I was curled up in the corner of the cell with my knees pulled into my chest and my head buried in my folded arms.

I dragged long breath after long breath, desperately trying to remember why I had been brought down here in the first place. Kylo's parting words continued to race through my mind, taunting me.

"You are no longer stormtrooper KA-7051, you are now my apprentice."

I wasn't a stormtrooper anymore? Then what did that make me? My stomach knotted at the thought of giving up the only name I had ever known.
And what about the last thing he had said? I'm his apprentice now?This didn't make any sense.
None of this did.

I was so caught up in my self pitying thoughts that I didn't even hear the door whoosh open, and ignored the stormtrooper that entered.

"Ren has requested your presence in his personal training room." The stormtrooper monotoned.

I lifted my head and suddenly became very dizzy. "What?" I croaked. The stormtrooper repeated his order with little to no emotion, and I wondered what he thought of me through his eyes.

Swallowing I slowly climbed to my feet, swaying slightly as my empty stomach rumbled.
"How long have I been here?" I breathed, leaning against the wall. The stormtrooper didn't answer, just gesture with his gun to the door.

Hesitating, I slowly wobbled over to him.
He took my arm and pulled me along, causing me to stumble and trip behind him.

I couldn't show fear. That's what fed Ren's powers right? Fear?

We went into a transportation lift and he punched in a code. My pales became clammy as the lift began to rise.

The ride was silent save for my nervous breathing and the occasional rustling of my clothes as I shifted side to side. It suddenly dawned on me that I had taken off my armor back in the cell, and I suddenly felt more vulnerable than ever.

Oh space balls. I cursed.

The lift came to a halt, the door slid away to reveal a long, empty hallway.

It was dim down here, and I couldn't see very many doors.

I swallowed, and took a trembling step forward. I glanced back at the stormtrooper to see that he hadn't moved. "I'm not permitted." Was his answer to my unspoken question.

I nodded, then watched as the door slid shut and he was whisked away. I was now alone.

I hugged my arms as I walked down the hall, looking around me. Why was it so empty?

At the very end, I came upon a large steel door with the label: KYLO RENS PRIVATE TRAINING ROOM - DO NOT ENTER WITH OUT PERMISSION

Glancing around me, I saw another door off to the side, much smaller than the first. Shrugging, I walked up to the training room and hit the green button beside it.

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