Chapter 5: The Dark Mountain

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As Arthur and Artesia were riding the Kurogane motorcycle in the middle of the starry night of Tokyo, they were drenched as a vicious thunderstorm suddenly came.

"Sheesh. When will these stupid storms ever cease? It always seem so unnatural and it makes me shiver to think that something strange is going on.", said Artesia as she pulled her dark hood on her head and rested on Arthur's back.

"Hang in there, Artesia. We are close to Mt. Fuji.", said Arthur as he revved Kurogane and went a little faster.

"Brother... I am tired already..", said Artesia in a weak tone as she started to close her eyes. "My Blaster Ray Gun consumed a lot of my... energy... I feel hungry, drained, and tired..."

Arthur also shivered as they heard vicious thunders that roared in the skies.

"What a very unnatural color...", he murmured as a PURPLE thunder streaked through the dark skies. "Well, I must focus here... I am getting tired too."


After a few more minutes of motor ride, the siblings finally reached Mt. Fuji.

Arthur stopped Kurogane for a while as he reached the foot of the mountain and gazed at the total darkness that lies ahead.

"This is creepy as hell.", his body is shaking from the cold water drenching his body along with the eerie atmosphere of the mountain that is filled up of tall trees and steep footing.

"I can't possibly use Kurogane to go up there.", he said to himself. "I guess I have no choice."

He nudged Artesia behind him, "Hey, Artesia. Get up. We are going to do some mountain hiking."

But Artesia were sleeping soundly and were unresponsive.

Arthur sighed and went out of the bike then tied Artesia on his back using a long piece of cloth he found on the ground after putting his blades on his belt, "Hang on to me tightly. Big Brother will protect you no matter what."

Arthur turned Kurogane's engine off and caressed its seat, "Thank you so much Kurogane."

Soon he found a strange button just below the accelerate meter with a label of "capsulate"

"What a familiar term we use on technogy.", he said as he put his finger on the button. "Alright, here goes nothing."

As soon as he pressed the button, the bike suddenly emitted a large amount of smoke and Arthur was shocked to see a hand-sized black CAPSULE flying towards him. He catched it and stared at it for a while.

"I see! So Miss Francheska made Kurogane similar to Artesia's blaster gun regarding its portable transformations! What a genius!", he smiled as he saw there is a button there with a label of "DECAPSULATE"

Arthur carefully put the capsule inside one of his pockets and stared ahead. "Goddamn it. How can I possibly walk my way on a dark mountain?"

He gasped as he saw a golden light on his pocket and he pulled out the map, "What the heck is going on?"

The map soon formed lines and Arthur saw his location and their destination, "I see! Gee, thanks a lot mappy. Okay, let's get it on!"

After memorizing the map, he carefully walked the rising slopes of the mountain. While being on his way, he had a hard time peering through the darkness and dampness of the mountain. There were times when he heard eerie voices.

"Okay. This is NOT GOOD at all. I HATE PARANORMAL SH*TS!"
Hearing the increasing cold voices around him, he went running as fast as he could, following the directions of the map. Having Artesia behind him makes things more harder for him.

"Darn it, this is getting on my nerves!", he shouted as the voices on the mountain became louder and colder.

"Alright. That's it!", Arthur unsheathed his swords and went to battle stance. "I can tell that I am not alone in this mountain. SHOW YOURSELVES!"

Soon he heard echoing dark laughter that made him cringe, "Ugh. The sounds they are making... are too heavy..."

"You are going to die... Die... Die...", different voices echoed.

"Damn.. what should I do now?", he asked himself as he could foresee that the voices are actually coming from a HUNDRED monsters.

Soon his legs sagged and his body suddenly lose a great amount of energy, "It's too cold and dark... My body can't.. keep up any longer.."

The voices are coming closer and soon he saw red eyes gleaming around him. He gripped his swords and tried to stand up but...

"It's like my body is a hundred times heavier than before..", he grunted as he panted heavily. "Both of us are too tired to fight now because of our high way battle.. also, I am getting too sleepy. Of all the times!"

Soon a very large werewolf emerged from the shadowns and were ready to slash Arthur with his very long and thick claws.

Arthur tried once more of trying to hold his swords but soon his arms gave up and he slumped hard on a muddy area. Thunders roared viciously and made some light. It made Arthur saw a glimpse of his surrounding and he saw so many demonic monsters smiling wickedly at him and Artesia like they are insects who were trapped by their webs.

"Mom... Dad... Why are you letting us suffer this way?", his mouth automatically said as he watched the demonic monsters closing in. No matter how much he tries to stand up, his body won't listen at all.

"Is this our end?"

Soon he felt a very strong presence coming to their direction. A blonde girl wearing white robes made everything around them shine with light. She raised her hand and summoned a giant scythe.

"You won't get nowhere from here. I shall pulverize each and every one of you.",

Those were the last words that Arthur heard as he lose conciousness.

What will happen now to the siblings now that they are too weakened and defenseless? And who could be the blonde haired girl who suddenly came to the scene?

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