Chapter 48: Fulfilled Prophecies

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"Let's rest for a while.", said Lina as she carries the unconscious Arthur who is completely drained of mana. "Serves you right for being too reckless. Always remember that patience is a virtue. You can't go strong just by pushing yourself to your limits. You'll actually just injure your body and waste more time."

She stepped into the temple and turned to the right wing. She opened a door which reveals a pure white room with a white bed and white curtains that covers small windows. She gently put him on the bed and healed his body.

After watching her student for long, she sighed and stood. "To be honest, I am also battered up. I guess i'll rest as well."

She slowly went out of the room and closed his door. Soon, she suddenly fell all fours to the floor and coughed blood.

"Aaaah.", she grunted with her vision turning blurry. "That idiot. Giving me a hard time suppressing and fighting that bastard lizard Bahamut. He never even realized that he's turning into a demon as he pushes more mana when he had nothing. Bahamut gives him power and overwhelmed me."

She stumbled to the walls and entered the next door. She closed and locked it, then landed to the bed while panting heavily.

"He's getting stronger for every second he fights. Just a little more, and he could finally push me to the corner. So much for blurting that he's a weakling. What a nonsense. He's actually too strong already, without using his full potential."

Soon she chuckled and put her hand on her bleeding stomach, "Well, what more can I expect from the legacy of such legends? Arthur is extremely talented, powerful, and smart. Just like his parents, alright."

Soon her eyelids closed and fell to deep slumber with a satisfied smile on her face.


"That's enough, Artesia.", Tyron withdrew his four white wings and helped his daughter stand up.

"I... can't give up yet...", her flaming wings soon burned out and went back to her back. "Ugh...", the flames on her eyes also disappeared along with her flaming sword.

Artesia were having a hard time to breath caused by the flying ashes around them.

"Geez! Are you two done on roasting each other!?", yelled Angelica as she ran towards them.

"Well. Seems like it.", replied Tyron with a tired tone."I never expected that our Artesia could fight so well. I am astounded and she exceeded my expectations. Plus, fighting with her feels nostalgic! I see my wife and my Mother in her."

Angelica snickered, "Don't underestimate the power of women."

Artesia soon fell limp on his hands and fell asleep.

"Well. What can you expect from our daughter?", Angelica smiled proudly as she carried her on her back. "She's now called.... the Purple Flamed Phoenix of the Eons."


Arthur soon woke up and stared around him, taking it two minutes to realize where he is. He winced in extreme pain and moaned. “Arggh. My entire body hurts like hell. I can’t even move a muscle.”

He just stared at the ceiling, “I wonder how’s Master Lina doing?”

“I’m right here.”, said her rough voice as she opened the door on his room. She was wearing a dark dress while carrying a tray of boiling hot soup. “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

Arthur smelled the soup and almost drooled, “Aaah! I’m so hungry. Can I eat some, Master?”

“Idiot. I brought this for you.”

Lina helped him get up and he sipped the soup slowly with satisfaction.

“I warned you. I told you that you’ll not be able to fight for a few days if you push yourself too far. Look at your sorry state.”, Lina scolded.

“Chorry, Mascher.”, replied Arthur with his mouth full. Lina seemed to enjoy watching him like her cooking, so she smiled and stood up, preparing to leave the room.

“I’ll be leaving you till tomorrow. You need rest.”


“No buts!”, Lina scowled. “Be a good boy, or I’ll change my mind of teaching you the Bankai!”

Arthur almost spilled his soup out of happiness, “REALLY?!”

“Yes, for real.”, Lina replied. “You’ve displayed great potential already. I do think that calling the second soul of your swords are possible. When you’ve learned it, then we’ll have a REAL match.”

“Whaaaat? So you’re just going easy on me?”, asked Arthur with remorse.

“Of course. I could have already killed you many times if I wasn’t holding back. I wasn’t even using my Shinigami powers and my bankai on you, so don’t be too confident. You’ll have lots and lots to go through to beat me.”, then she left the room and closed the door.

Arthur couldn't help but smile, thinking that his Master finally acknowledged him. He happily finished his food and stared around his room.

"Hmmm. There's no computer around. What a boring, plain white room.", he laid back to his bed and summoned one of his black swords on his right hand.

"I can finally learn how to use Bankai. I was thinking of a name for the two of you.", he summoned the other one on his left hand. "Why, without the two of you, I would have never made it this far. As thanks, I will give both of you a name. My left hand sword will be... Tsuki. And my right hand sword will be... Shiro! Yeah. Do you like that?"

Arthur stared like a fool on his swords as he didn't had any response from them. He laid them on his bed and put his arm on his face, "Am I really going crazy!? Talking to my swords like this. Uugh. So embarassing... I'm glad Master wasn't around, or she'll thought that I am a psycho."

He lifted his swords again and stared at its shiny black composure and sharpness, "But even so... both of you are special to me. Let's keep on fighting altogether until the end of the line. I promise i'll do my best to get stronger so that I can prove myself to everyone."

Little did he know that Angelina were just behind his door, listening to him with her arms folded and lips smiling, "You certainly are a weird fool.", she mumbled while chuckling. "But that's what makes you strong, Arthur. Go and fly higher with every day that passes. If only your parents could see how much you've grown at such a short period of time.... I know they'll be more than proud. I promise as well, that i'll make you strong so that you can make your dreams a reality."

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