it's Christmas what are the zodaics doing (mine)

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A/N well i completely forgot about the talent show thing I'll complete that later also I'm publishing this now incase I forget tomorrow

It's Christmas where are the zodaics/what are they doing (mine)

Aires: yells "snowball fight" *hit random people with snowballs*

Taurus: makeing hot chocolate for everyone

Gemini: running down the street in their underwear (cause why not)

Cancer: singing Christmas songs

Leo: last minute Christmas shopping"

Virgo: probably watching TV under 100000 blankets

Libra: ice skating

Scoripo: burying pisces in the show

Sagittarius: dressing up like 🎅 (santa)

Capricorn: rapping Christmas gifts

Aquarius: trowing a party

Pisces: probably going to freeze to death

Unfortunately it doesn't ever snow here and Christmas is in the middle of summer

I would just like to say merry Christmas to all my readers and I hope you enjoy your holidays



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