my opinion

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Here's my opinion on the signs basased on people I've met

Aires: you guys are fun to be around and not afrade to speak you mind although you can be a little bit too loud sometimes

Taurus: I think Taurus' are really friendly atleast their friendly to me (probably cause my moon sign is taurus)
But you guys a scary when mad

Gemini: I can confirm than gemini's like to talk and it's fun having conversations with them but sometimes the go from happy to angry then happy again (idk how)

Cancer: I get along alright with cancers (probably cause my sun sign is pisces) but they get mood swings often

Leo: I just have one word to say to Leo's you guys are awesome although you do tend to gossip a bit

Virgo: virgos are really good at planning and they have a way with words they can talk you into it anything also it's surprising how calm you guys are

Libra: Libras are alright what I find most annoying is that they can't make up their minds (no offense)

Scoripo: who ever says pisces gets along well with scoripo is right cause I get along very well with them my best friend is a scoripo but I have no idea how some people find them annoying

Sagittarius: my other best friend is a Sagittarius and we also get along well they're pretty chill people

Capricorn: my sister is a Capricorn and we don't get along well don't know why

Aquarius: one of my friends is Aquarius and we have similar interests I like how they try to be different

Pisces: my other sister is pisces and we get along fine but I do think pisces are a little too sensitive


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