the signs most hardest to love

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1. Virgo

Virgos are arguably the most self-sufficient of the zodiac signs. They also approach most relationships from a very analytical and almost managerial position. Even if it’s not intentional, Virgos automatically keep most people at arm’s length until they’re sure they can trust them. Thus, they’re not the easiest people to love. In order for a Virgo to love someone, they have to let their walls down and open up, which isn’t in their nature. Once they do they’re amazing partners, but it can definitely take some time for them to get there.

2. Scorpio

Scorpios are the queens/kings of not knowing what they want. They fluctuate between hot and cold like crazy and it makes them really difficult to read and subsequently, be with emotionally. A Scorpio can be an incredibly draining partner to be with which is why they often find themselves in and out of relationships. Frankly, until a Scorpio matures emotionally, they’re simply not ready for a real relationship.

3. Sagittarius there are no sign more flighty, impulsive, and all over the place than a Sagittarius. In some ways, this makes them very exciting partners and whoever they’re with will never be bored. But on the flip side, it makes them nearly impossible to get to settle down. They’re constantly chasing the next thing, the next adventure, the next adrenaline rush. They are terrible at being still, at just existing. And that’s not very conducive to relationships. A Sagittarius will only feel content when they find someone who doesn’t just chase them, but runs right alongside them.

4. Aquarius

Aquarians are naturally reserved,private people. They aren’t inclined to open up and letting people in is absolutely not in their nature. It can be really difficult to read an Aquarius which keeps a distance between them and most people. An Aquarius needs someone who they can really trust and feel comfortable being vulnerable around in order to go all in and fall in love.

5. Capricorn

Capricorns are the picture of practicality, efficiency, and hard work. While this makes them incredibly reliable and a star employee or co-worker, it can also mean that they approach each and every relationship like a business transaction. No partner wants to feel like they’re being looked at and being weighed on a pros and cons list. A Capricorn needs to learn to trust their heart as much as their head in order to find real, lasting love.

6. Gemini

Geminis have a reputation for being indecisive and overly emotional. While to a certain extent this is true and can make communicating with them tiring, it also means that they love with all of their hearts and put all of their faith in what they feel. When a Gemini loves, they go all in. They hold absolutely nothing back and give all of themselves to their partner. It can be intimidating, being loved that much. But that level of vulnerability is something to commend someone, like a Gemini, for being able to do.

7. LeoThere’s no sign quite as dynamic and captivating as a Leo. Leos are incredibly independent, confident, and sure of themselves. So it’s important for anyone who is with a Leo to recognize that they’re never going to need you. But they are such a magical sign, it’s impossible to not be drawn to them. Leos make everything more exciting and engaging, so it’s no surprise that everyone loves them.

8. Aries active, exciting, and a beacon of passion, an Aries makes their partner the center of their world. They prioritize their partners and do their best to be their everything. Their cheerleader, their partner in crime, their shoulder to lean on. An Aries strives to be the go-to for whatever the person they’re with might need. Who could say no to loving someone like that?

9. Taurus there is simply no sign more loyal and steadfast than a Taurus. When a Taurus loves someone, they’re in it for the long haul. They’re completely devoted and committed to the person who they love. A Taurus leaves nothing up to the imagination, nothing lingering in any sort of grey area. Everything is out on the table and you always have a clear cut idea of where they stand. That sort of devotion and loyalty is rare and hard to find, so when you do it’s not something you’re inclined to let go.

10. Libra all a Libra wants is for everyone to be content and happy. This goes for pretty much everyone on Earth, but especially for people who they’re in love with. A Libra would bend over backwards to make sure their partner is in a good place. They’ll do anything to make their person happy. They’re so easy to love because they show you the kind of love that’s possible to get from another person, and that’s something to strive to emulate.

11. Pisces a Pisces arguably has the biggest loving, bleeding heart of the zodiac. They feel deeply, they’re all emotion, and they have no trouble expressing what they want and need from the people who they love. A Pisces puts everything onto the table. They leave nothing left unsaid. They’d walk through fire and back for the person who they love, and that sort of love is something you’ll only experience once in a lifetime.

12. Cancers are the biggest nurturers, the biggest caretakers, the most likely to love unconditionally of the zodiac. They’re so forgiving, so patient. They’re a sign you can always count on to be there for you, day or night, no matter what. A Cancer perfectly exemplifies what love is supposed to look like. And inturn, how we should all love each other.

We just broke 1k reads thank you so so much

Nivesh38 😋

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