the signs as pubg players (mine)

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👆New cover  what do you think

The zodiacs as types of pubg players this is just how I think they would play

Aggresive play goes for kills early

Aries, sagittarius, Gemini

Likes to stay back and snipe people from a distance

Taurus, aquarius, cancer, capricorn

campers/3rd parties

Pisces, virgo,  scorpio, leo, libra

My first update of 2019

I can't believe people are still reading this I've had this book up since November of 2016 it's my oldest book here that I haven't rewritten yet and I don't think I would I want to keep going until I reached the max limit of chapters. 

I have to admit  I haven't been updating lately  due to a lack of motivation  but I'm trying to update more.

If anyone has suggestions for what i should write or ideas for short stories comment them or send me a message.

Anyway I hope you have a great day

Nivesh38 😜

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