Chapter 6: Crash....

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This chapter is for those...... Who are... Reading my story.....

And those supporters who instantly click ..when they got the notification.....

I'm writing on phone ....very sorry if I do any mistakes..
Here is the another one..


Mahira's POV:

"What kind of restaurant is this... They don't have Belgium chocolate chip ice cream??"Jazz complained.....

"yeah..even I'm craving  Kulfi (Indian ice cream)..... It's been a long time... Right guys??!!"I said.....

"Yeah ...but it's getting late ...we have to go home as well  !!"Zahra said...

"Look... It's an ice cream truck over there...they have Indian one's as well....look at the board....let's get some ice cream"Jazz said excitedly...."I'm coming"I said

"OK guys go.. I'll bring the car.... I've to drop you guys first..."Danial said...

"I'm not coming guys....I don't feel to guys carry on"Zahra said... ."you don't feel for having ice cream... That's something new I've heard..."Jazz said with eyes widened

Zahra is really looking different these days...... I hope she is alright..... "Are you okay Zaru??"I asked her....

"Yeah Mahi I'm fine... Just a little bit  headache..... That's it"She said...

"I'll get the car"Danial said me... And ..."I wanna talk to you.... Come with me"he whispers to Zahra.. But that was enough audible to heard...

"Mahi come "Jazz dragged me towards the ice cream truck.....while I turned and saw Zahra is going with Danial....

Why is she acting so different??.....!!

We came to the truck....."What can I give to the lovely ladies??"
A man with mid twenties asked as ...from the truck..

"1 Belgium chocolate chip... And What are you gonna have Mahi??....Mahi..... Mahiiiiii"????she screams

"Huh??"I was zoned out...but why...

"What are you thinking ??"...."umm.. Nothing.... 1 kulfi!!??"I said...

"Right away mam" he said...
After a while he gave us Ice cream and we paid the bill...

Zahra and Danial are still not we decided to  stand in front of the Restaurant gate and wait for them..and Eating the ice cream...

I'm Damn sure...Zahra is hiding something...... She is keeping something by herself..... I know it very well... I know her...That's why she looks really tensed up...

"I know whom are you thinking about??"Suddenly Jazz Asked me  while  licking her ice cream...

"Huh.... you know that ??? I asked... obviously.... she  is staying with us for more than 4 years..... she knew  about  Zahra.. but how??????

"what is that??? "I asked her... "I know  that  you're  thinking  about  him......!!! "she said  teasingly.....him  who??

"whom are you talking about??? "I really  don't  know.....

"Aahha... don't  act innocent.... you  know  what exactly  I'm  talking  about... who was that guy huh??"She asked me...I give her a 'I don't get it look'.....

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