Very Important

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I've already  started writing another story..... and this is very different from this one....

My next one is purely  a Muslim  story... of 2 person.... who are madly in love... but.....

life took 360 degree angle..... and their destroyed by a bet....... soon I'll publish it....



I want to write a story...
of Dr. Michael  and Jasmine...

that's right...

Jazz's Character is very fun loving... full of life kind a girl

but in "Mafia's Hijabi"....Her character is very  short....

So I'll  write  a love story  of Mike  and Jazz......

and I'll  connect these 2 stories  together...

you'll now when you'll  read the story...

please suggest me a beautiful  title for the story....

Thanks  guys...for your support... keep vote Allah Hafiz

The Mafia's Hijabi ... (Obsession for a Muslimah) (Completed) ✔✔✔Where stories live. Discover now