Chapter 36 : I'll be there for you but gotta be there for me too

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Jasmine's POV :

"Sadakallaul Alieil Azim!!" I finished reciting The Qur'an and placed it safety on my desk

I glanced at the clock it was 8.30 am in the morning! !

I got a call and it was Mahi

"Asalamualaikum Janemann (baby/love) ! "

"Walaikumasalm Janebahar gulegulzar...!!" She sounds really happy

"Kya baat sounds so happy happy today..what's the matter???is your date of marriage is fixed???!" I said while leaning against the window frame and glancing outside

"How do you know???!" She said while I laughed at her words

"Why I won't???you're the only one in us who is marrying the man she loves!!"

"It's no-nothing like that!!" I know she is lying..and blushing...the heat on her cheeks are fuming through the phone...

"Oh really???! Tell me you don't Love Nate? !" I challenged


"See I knew love Nathan....!!" When she shattered I cut her off and saud

"Jazz..stop!!" I can imagine her red cheeks

"Okay listen I'll call you back huh...Ammi is calling bye!"

I cut the call and turned but as soon as I did...I was froze at my place

Eric was standing in front of me...with hands tucked in pocket leaning against the door frame

Was he waiting for me to finish the call???

He walked to me and was about say something when...

"It was can check my phone! " I said offering my phone

"I didn't even say anything!!" He said looking into my eyes

"Maybe you would thought that I was talking to Mike behind your back!!"

He took a deep breath and sighed loudly...

I took steps to the exit when he spoke

"Cook me breakfast! !" His word made me stop at the door

"Tell the maid!!"

"She is on leave...her son is not can you???please? ?!"

Eric Smoulder is requesting? ??something strange is happening! !

I only huffed and went towards the kitchen


I was making the batter of pancakes I'm craving for some banana pancakes with caramel syrup!!

"What are you making? !"


" made some Bread and potato sabzi (vegetable) !"

Is he on fever...he wants me to make "Aloo bhaji??"

"That's Ruti (flat bread )and Aloo bhaji! !"

"Yeah...remember you brother's wife made it was so delicious..simple a bit spicy but great taste...not so flavourful so perfect for breakfast! "

"Are you sure?!"

"Yes but if you're craving for pancakes I can make for you"

I nodded while he started mixing the batter again

The Mafia's Hijabi ... (Obsession for a Muslimah) (Completed) ✔✔✔Where stories live. Discover now