Chapter 28 : I'm pregnant

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Biggest shout out to mysakuraflower and cest_556 who gave the right answer to all the questions of last chapter game!!

Questions were :

"I'm married! !"

"You're what????! With whom?"

"With me. .Sister in law! !"

Ans: Eric Jazz


"I'm engaged!!"

"Are you guys giving me heart attack? ?!"

"Zahra calm down! It's your wedding "

"Dont tell me to calm down...witg Whom????!!"

"Hey Scarfy! !"

Ans : Nathan Mahira


"Who is he Radhika ???!"

"He is Zahra's best friend Danial!!"

"Wow Jesus....his voice is so mesmerising and he looks so charming! !"

"Don't tell me you had a crush on him!"

"Maybe 😍😍😍😍😍 !!"

Ans : Danial Deborah

Enjoy this one !!

Few month's later

Jazz's POV (Seattle ) :

"Miss ...please have your breakfast! !" Linda came in garden

"I'm not hungry Linda! !" I said while looking at the grass....

"But miss you didn't had anything since yesterday's lunch. ...please have'll faint again miss. .you have to take your medicines too!!"

"Linda I said . ..I'm not hungry at all can have your breakfast ...I'll take the  medicines later!!"

I heard a loud sigh from her ....but as she turned

"Young Master !!" She gasped and I clenched my dress ...

On no...he's here .....did he heard that ??? What he's doing here???is he going to ...he won't do anything. ..I can't bare all of those again ....please don't beat me again Eric ..please Allah....I...beg of you!!

"Leave!!" I heard him from behind of me ....he took steps towards me and every single step is death alarm for me.....

"Jasmine!!" He stood in front of me while I just looked down at my lap !!

"Look at me Jasmine! !" I know he is angry. .he always called me in my full name when he is pissed off

But I don't had any guts to look at him!!

He kneeled down in front of my and look straight into my eyes. ...
Grabbing my chin gently and made me look at him.....

He rubbed his thumb on the cut in my forehead. ..which I got when I fell from the stairs ....

He pulled my lower lips gently it was swollen ...I hissed in pain but he still pull that to saw the stiches on my gum and inner lip hurts more than broken bones.....

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