Chapter 43 : Not so Happy ending

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Once I cut the call I felt a pair of hands hugged me from behind

"Love...." I heard as he made me turned and kissed on my cheeks slightly

"You came early today.."I said loosening his tie

"Ain't you happy? ?" He asked me suspiciously

"No its just that...I wasn't expecting "

"Oh....are you okay Love???why are you sweating? ?"

"Sw-sweating? " I wiped my forhead and yes I was indeed sweating... "It's nothing....just tired a bit and stressed" I said and try to be sound as normal as possible

" office there was much work I guess..Nate was being fussy as Mahi is not well...did she had breakfast? ?"

"Yeah she had ...Jaan I wanna talk about's that please ju-

" that" He said and walked passed me to the nightstand...oh Allah..that test kit

He looked at the test kit and his eyes were surprised....he looked at me with...hope

" I going to be  Dad??" He said but I was he thinking that I did the test again????

"It's.'s not's not that what you're thinking..

He didn't let me finish and suddenly cupped my cheeks

"Oh baby girl I'm so sorry...I've ruined your wanted to surprise me right? ?I'm such an idiot baby..don't worry...make me surprise on our next baby okay" He said and crashed his lips on mine...

Pulling me even more closer..he showered kisses all over my face and lips

"I love you so much can't even imagine how happy I'm Sweet kiss me back babe" He kissed me again and I couldn't let him down so I kissed back

But guilt was building inside me..I can't hide this anymore...I need to tell him...

Come one Zahra. .it's now or never

"Jaan....listen" when we broke the kiss...I said while panting hard

"Yes Your highness " He was smiling....I've never seen him smile with this adoreness....Aww I just love this man

"I..I need to tell you something...promise me you won't won't be angry and you'll listen"

I said cause as much I don't want to see him heartbroken but I also know he will become a lava if he came to know that his baby sister is pregnant...moreover with the man ye doesn't like at all...the man who wanted to marry his wife

"Your wish my command "

"Baby...I....I'm not pregnant " and I regret saying this cause after this smile vanished from the his face..the love of my life

I hate myself..I can't give him what he wants...and all he wants to have a family

"'re not pregnant " his said in a shaky voice....I know he is in edge of crying

I just shook my head slowly

"It's not even Mahi's I believe" He asked me again


"Then who is pregnant???" When he said I can sense the rage in his voice

"I'll tell you....but not now...I need time baby.."

The Mafia's Hijabi ... (Obsession for a Muslimah) (Completed) ✔✔✔Where stories live. Discover now