chapter 23 : Where is she??

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For sure I've the best supporters Alhamdulliah.....!!

Especially Raveena71 fan No 1 as she said ....😁😁😁..thanks for making me feel so special. ...shout out for her guys ☺☺☺☺☺!!

Enjoy this one ..I know you guys are excited! !

Zahra's POV :

My eyes felt really heavy ..and so hard to open them right now! !

"Mahi ..she's awake!!" I heard Jazz

After the struggle I opened my eyes and saw both of them sitting on the bed!!

I saw a weird dream that ....Davis just proposed me and said he loves can this even possible ??silly me!!

"Are you okay??how are you feeling! " Mahi asked me

"What happened to me?!"

"You fainted ....when he proposed you!!"

Oh No! !! The memory of that time flashed on my mind ...he proposed me..that was not a dream !!

I saw my left hand ..the ring was still on my third finger! !

Looking at the clock. .it was 1.30 am. ..I was unconscious for 1 and a half hour? ?

"Who took me here ??!"

"Obviously your would be husband Zahra!" Jazz Said with a plain expression

"Jazz he is not my would be husband..he'll never be .....did he told you guys had anything about that...??" I asked them both

"Are you crazy Zaru??of course not !!"

" He told us that he want to give you a surprise ....we thought it's for your birthday! !" Mahi said

"We don't had any idea about that us!!"

I nodded at them. would they know about that??? Davis is not fool that he'll tell them about his plan..

"What should we do now! !" Jazz asked

"I don't know. ...I just want to leave this place as soon as possible. .if Ammi came to know about this. .she'll definitely kill me!!"

"If Abbu or Bhai came to knew ...they'll grounded me at home forever !!" Mahi said

"Oh mata o (moms ) .. pravachan bandh karo (stop your lecture ) ..Let's just wait for morning and then we'll think of leaving! !" Jazz Said

I was about to say something when we heard a knock on the door ...

"Who's this? !" Mahi asked

"Mahira's me Christian! " He said from the other side of the gate .

Ya Allah! !

"Mahi I don't want to face him.. please do something. .Jazz please make him go!!" I pleaded in front of them

Jazz quickly pushed me to the bed and put the blanket over me!!

"Close your eyes ..!!" I closed my eyes ...and turned on my left now the door is facing my back ....

Jazz is right in front of me...and she is caressing my hair ....shoot...I didn't have my Hijab on !

Mahi opened the door ..I can clearly heard their voice

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