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Neil walked into the little coffee shop after really tiring day. He have been working day and night, as he was planning to go on leave in a few days. He ordered for a cappuccino and sank into the seat. Neil inhaled, intending to take a deep breath, just then his eyes caught on the girl sitting on the adjacent table. Her skin was pale white, strands of blushes faded on her cheek. The maroon sweatshirt and jeans were matching to her skin, and her shoulder length brown hair was put down, strands falling on her face. She was indulged into the MacBook in front of her, stacks of books lying on the table. The waiter came up with the order, Neil then realized he was holding his breath for so long. He kept on shooting glances at the girl, not able to help himself. She scanned through the documents around her, and kept on typing em down. Neil's phone buzzed, with a message for him to attend somewhere urgently. He got up from his seat to leave, and was about to turn around to have a look on the girl again, when he bumped into someone from his back. "Ouch!" He heats a very soft and sweet voice, with a thump sound of several things hitting the ground. Neil turned around quickly, and his heart skipped a beat. It was her! She clapped a hand on her forehead. "I'm so sorry" Neil apologized. "I didn't know you were behind me.. I'm sorry for any losses." The girl slowly removed her hand and gave the heartiest smile. "No, it's alright. I didn't see you either. I was just too occupied with something Haha. No issues." Neil stared at her, spellbound. Each glimpse of her, etching in his heart. The girl lowered to then floor to collect her belongings. Neil hurried to help her. "This place is a bit crowded too.." she muttered. "Yeah.." Neil smiled and agreed. Her cold skin touched his, during the processes giving him a shock. Both jumped on shock and looked at each other. The girl smiled and collected her stuff and got up. "Sorry again." Neil said. She smiled and shook her head. "Neil Khanna." He took the moment to introduce himself. The girl was a bit hesitant, but shook his hand. "Avni Mehta." She got a call at then and had to leave. She gave a quick smile and left the café, taking a piece of his heart with her. He couldn't focus on work, rest of the afternoon. The smile, and the perfect figure... Neil shook his head vigorously to shoo away the thought. He straightened himself on the seat, starting up with the tasks.

Saturday morning was an early start for Avni. She got up and went out for a jog, to the nearby park. Avni wasn't familiar with the neighborhood quiet yet, as she had recently came to india. Her half citizenship allowing her to practice the law career in here. Avni had invested and bought share at a law firm in Mumbai. This was something she dreamt of. Being born and brought up in London, her dream was to pursue her career in India.
Avni was about to complete her fifth lap, when someone greeted her. "Hey!" Avni turned around to check on. She saw the "coffee shop guy" behind her, now running slowly to catch up. "Hi!" Avni smiled wide. "Nice to see you again. Never seen you here before." He spoke, now strolling along with her. "Ah Yes. I moved here recently. Used to love in London." Avni replied. "Oh?" Avni knew he was confused. "Hehe, I was born and brought up in London. My dad's a British." "Oh.." Neil was fascinated with the details. "So you don't have much friends over her?" He again tried to shoot the right questions. "Nope. Just some cousins. Would take time, ri...." Avni fell, tripping over a skipping rope, some kids were trying to play tug of war with. It was leveled right about their ankle length so neither Avni, nor Neil noticed it before. "Avni!" Neil tried to hold her hand before she tripped but couldn't catch. Avni fell over and injured her leg badly. "Owe!" She Exclaimed. Neil quickly kneeled down her, having a look. There was a bleeding wound on her leg, the skin was peeled off from the area, it was bleeding badly. "Wow. I thought it would be a little injury." Neil said, looking close on to the wound. "Me too.." Avni mumbled. She was feeling faintish, witnessing all the blood. Neil could see her face turning pale. They both turned around to a sound of sobbing from nearby. Avni saw a little girl, breaking down in such a heartbreaking manner. She then moved closer and said. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you fall." She said in between sobs. Avni felt as if her heart was cut by a blade. She quickly moved closer and hugged the girl tightly. "Hey it's okay. Look at me.. I'm fine. It's just a little injury, I'll be fine in no time. I should have known that there are so many kids around, so they will be playing on the grounds. Yet I didn't pay any attention. So it's my fault too." Avni messed up with her hair and convinced her a bit more. The girl then hugged Avni and thanked her, before skipping away. "Such a sweetheart." Neil smiled. "Yeah.." "come, I'll drop you home?" Neil offered. Avni quickly shook her head. "My house is just around the corner, I'll manage." "In this state? No way. Come.. I'll give you a ride." Avni was really hesitant. He was a guy and She've never been so close to a guy to accept a lift from them. Secondly the wound was bleeding so badly, she didn't want to spoil his car. Neil was waiting for her response. Avni finally nodded, accepting the help to be driven home.
Avni slowly walked to Neil's car. He opened the door for her to get in. No one spoke for a while. Neil could smell a soft fragrance which was hypnotizing his mind. While on the other hand, Avni was worried as blood was dripping on the carpet of the car. "Neil., I'm sorry. I.." she tried to say, pointing the blood stains. "Ahh it's okay! I'll get it cleaned." Neil gave a warm smile. He pulled into the driveway. Avni was about to get out of the car, but Neil was faster than her. He was at her side of the door and opened it. Avni carefully moved, but clenched on Neil's arm suddenly seeing all the blood. He could sense her hand stiffen on his. "Easy now.." Neil helped her to the door and rang the bell.
Ayesha opened the door. "You're early today!" She said to Avni and then noticed the guy beside her. "Hi! Um, I'm Neil. Avni got hurt at the park, so I brought her home." Ayesha then shot a glance at the injured leg. "Oh my god! How did this happen?!" Exclaimed Joseph, who just showed up. "And who are you?" He asked pointing at Neil. Neil tensed up, seeing Avni's father. "Oh, you're fast Avni! Bought him directly home? Smart!" He laughed and teased, noticing how red both Avni and Neil was turning. "Dad! He's just a friend. Helped me out to come home. Now, will you let me in? I'm badly hurt!" Avni Exclaimed. "Oh yeah.. come in." Ayesha beaconed Neil to enter as well. "You should join us for breakfast." She gave a warm smile. Avni quickly turned to have a look at Neil, praying that he would stay. Unknowingly, she was falling into him. Neil shook his head. "No, thank you. I'll get late for work. Some other day maybe." Avni's heart dropped, but she tried her best to not to show it. "You take care!" "Thanks again." Avni smiled. Neil waved at left. She didn't realize for how long she was staring at the door after he left. "Shall we do some dressings, If you have overcome with the new crush?" Ayesha teased, Avni playfully pinching her on the hand.
Neil was about to ignite the engine when he noticed Avni's bag on the front seat. He opened it to check if anything necessary was in, but there was just a towel and a water bottle.... and a business card! He clenched a fist to the air, "Yes!" As he have now found a way to contact her.

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