The storm

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Ansh came in early in the morning to check on Avni. He called her name a few times and then pulled off the blanket when she didn't respond. Avni wasn't in bed. He checked the shower and the balcony, and all the other rooms of the house, before coming down to the kitchen. "Mom? Where's Avi?" He asked Ayesha, who just turned off the stove. "What do you mean where's she? Would be in her room right?" Ansh was shocked hence all he could do was just shake his head. Ayesha's eyes widened. "Call Ruth! She might be in office." Ayesha hurried out, still trying to convince herself. She tried to call Avni, but there was no answer. She then dialed Neil. "Hello?" His sleepy voice gave goosebumps to Ayesha, knowing that Avni wasn't with him. "Neil.. Avni isn't home... I.. We don't have any idea where she is." Neil on the other end jumped out of bed. "Don't know? Is she there in office?" "No" Ansh answered in a voice audible to Neil. "I'm coming!"

Avni came home late in the morning. Joseph rushed to her. "Where were you!!?" He Exclaimed moving close to Avni. Avni crooked an eyebrow. "At a client meeting, I texted Ansh." Avni was confused. She quickly took out her phone to check. "Ah, it didn't get delivered. I didn't check. I'm sorry." Ayesha let out a sigh and hugged her. "Come on now, lets eat. Breakfast had turned in to brunch now!"
After food, Avni stayed back in kitchen to load the dishwasher. She always helps out her mother, no matter how sick or busy she is. Avni heard footsteps in there. She turned around to look at Neil. "I've not accepted your apology for the sudden disappearance because I know you weren't in a client meeting." Neil's voice brought a pause to Avni, but she tried her best to shake it off. "There's nothing I can do if you don't believe in me." Avni's response shocked Neil. "I don't believe in you? Or rather you done believe in me?! I have been asking and trying to figure out what's wrong, but you wouldn't tell me!" "How do I tell, if there isn't anything wrong?" Avni Said. "Don't lie to me.. Within these months, I've known you enough to catch on your lies." Avni didn't want to argue, she headed out of the kitchen but Neil caught her hand. "You owe an answer to me.." he said. Avni looked into his eyes, hurt and concern filled. "I don't have to." Avni pulled her hand from his grip and ran out of the kitchen. A very bummed Neil speeded out of the kitchen and out of the house as well! Leaving those at the living room in shock.

Days went by, it has become more difficult for Neil to understand Avni. She have been ever so silent, doesn't talk unless necessary. Neil also had found out that Avni had handed over two of the most important cases to her colleague lawyers at work. He decided to find out whatever reason it was, by stalking or in any way possible. He involved Ansh in his plan, so that they can track Avni's movements easily.
The day in question, Avni left home in a hurry. Ansh immediately informed Neil, following Avni on the road. By the time Neil reached, Avni was talking to a lady, outside the temple. Ansh backend him to move closer to have a better look. They could tell there was an argument going on. When Avni was about to lose it, a man came there with a toddler. This made Avni to freeze in her posture. "Let him go. Give him to me!" She Exclaimed. The other person's response was not audible enough to the two men. The next thing they saw, was the lady in front swishing  a knife towards Avni, simultaneously Avni waved her arm in front, so the blade did its work on her arm. Neil and Ansh could not hold back anymore and rushed there. Ansh moved close and held on Avni's wound, which was bleeding so badly. The other man tried to escape with the child but Neil did not let that happen. Ansh sat Avni on the ground and ran to help Neil, and held on to the man. While Neil turned around and grabbed on to the lady who were now trying to run away. He grabbed her hand and turned towards him. "Samaira!!?" Neil felt as if the ground slipped down his feet. "What the hell were you doing?!" Samaira didn't say anything. She was scared to death, as she planned to finish Avni on the spot today and come into Neil's life. "Answer me!!" Neil Exclaimed again. Just then DD and his force reached there. "DD, take the two of them to the police station! I'll be there shortly." With that, Neil and Ansh took Avni who was now unconscious, to Neil's own apartment. They didn't want to take her home, as they were not sure about what really happened.

Avni slowly opened her eyes. It took a while for her sight to adjust. Avni jumped in shock, as she felt a burning pain on her arm. Neil was cleaning her wound, and he again pressed a cotton gauze on the wound, making Avni jump again. "Neil! That hurts!" Neil shot a glance. "I don't think so. This is a small wound. You can even carry the whole world of pain on your shoulder right? So why are you in so much pain with this cut?" Avni pursed her lips and dropped her face. She knew what Neil was talking about. Neil put a dressing on the wound and moved the box to the drawer. Ansh then came in, "Lets go home?" He asked Avni. She looked at Neil, her heart dropped as there was no expression on his face. He was leaning to the table, his arms folded. Avni nodded to Ansh and got out of the bed. She followed him out slowly, expecting Neil to stop her. But he didn't.
Ansh somehow made an excuse and convinced the Mehtas. There was a havoc inside Avni's head, so she headed to her room. Avni got into the balcony, it didn't take her long to drown into the thoughts of what happened in the previous days.

Avni was working on something as s normal day, when her phone rang.
A: hello?
Unknown: Avni Mehta
A: yes? Whose it speaking?
U: it's more important for you to know where the little Hamza is right now.
A: who? (Avni straightened herself on the seat)
U: the manslaughter and rape case you fought yesterday? Remember the 3 year old boy of the lady?
Avni jumped in shock!
A: who are you!? Where is he?
U: haha so eager? Hang on I'll call you back.
A: hello?!

But the line was dead. Avni tried calling that number but couldn't reach. She grabbed her keys and headed to the little house of Mrs.Iyer.
Avni's heart shattered with the sight. She was seated on one corner of the little mat placed on the floor, a few neighbors surrounding her. She jumped on to her feet when she saw Avni. "Ms. lawyer! They.. they took away my son! Ms. Lawyer! They want something from you in return! Please give them. Whatever it maybe.. please. please bring back my child." She grabbed on to Avni and pleaded. Avni answered her phone again. "Come outside that house!" Avni quickly moved out, as she recognized the voice being similar to the previous call's.
"Samaira!" Avni froze on her step. She laughed at Avni's reaction. "Surprised? Neil would be double surprised, but! You won't tell him a thing about this. Or else this kid..." she pointed the knife on her hand towards the neck of the little boy. Avni panicked! "No!" Samaira then turned to her. "No? You want the life of this child?" Avni gulped and nodded. "Wow, but in return. I want something as well. Are you ready?" She crooked a smile. "Anything.." Avni whispered, she was scared to death, feeling as if her heart has fallen to her mouth. "Neil." Samaira mumbled, and Avni was taken aback. "You heard me! The choice is yours. And you all.." She pointed at the villagers. "No one would inform police. Or else... now it a depends on your Ms.Lawyer. Plead to her!!" With that she left. Avni was brought out of the shock by the pleadings of the villagers.
She, among all was the weakest one. The pain of a mother compelled her to sacrifice her love.
From that day, Avni received several threats from Samaira. She had to keep Ms.Iyer even safe, as she feared Samaira night abduct her as well.  Today was the last day given to her to break her marriage proposal. Samaira met her with Hamzah, as a reminder of how grave things would turn out, if Avni doesn't obey her. But as Avni believes, it was strength of the bond Neil and she shared, that dragged him along to the scene today. The understanding between them, that helped her escape.

Avni took a deep breath. Hamzah was safe for sure, and Samaira is under arrest. But Neil and her relations was surely on the last of the thread. Avni took a shower and slipped into her pajamas and got into bed. She took her phone and unlocked. The last time Neil called her was a week ago, and she doubt if he is going to call her again.

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