A Khanna already?

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Avni shook hands with her client, outside the courtroom. She was at ease, to see how happy they have been. Her job is done, Justice has been served. She headed down the stairs to her car, when she noticed a familiar figure. Neil was waiting near his parked car. Avni was about to go to him, but she was surrounded by the group of Media. Neil chuckled, he was so eager to hear her out. But this was predictable anyway, she have won one of the aggravated murders recorded in the history of Mumbai. Neil was proud, his girlfriend.. his own girlfriend or the other half of him, with such an achievement was a proud moment for him as well.
It took a good 30mins for Avni to escape. She let out a sigh, "Hi!". Neil couldn't help but tease. "Wow, Boyfriend has been waiting here for about an hour now. Madam doesn't even prioritize to give him some time. Imagine how long this lawyer is gonna take, if she were to meet her husband." Avni rolled her eyes and hit him playfully. Neil brought her closer and hugged her. "Congratulations! I'm so proud of you.." he mumbled to her ears. Avni closed her eyes and nuzzled on her cheek. He have been beside her like an anchor, for the past 8months. Never complained even she get busy as hell, and are not able to give him enough time. Similarly Neil have received Avni's full support in all his work as well. His work has been eased with her presence, and more efficient when two smart minds work together. "Lets go for lunch?" Neil offered. "Not to that Italian place, please. It was eww!" Neil laughed at her reaction. "Not there. Wanna check out the Arabian place open at the side road?" Avni nodded. Neil held her hand walked to the car.

After lunch Neil was supposed to drop Avni home. But Avni noticed him taking a different route. "Where are we going?" She asked. "Somewhere." Neil winked. Avni knew he won't tell her if he doesn't intend to. Neil pulled his car outside a house and got out of the car. She followed him, taking her bag and files, along with her suit. "Neil where..." she then saw the board, "Khanna House"! "No no no no.... I'm not going inside!" She Exclaimed and took quick steps backward. Neil laughed at her reaction. "This is your in-laws. If you wanna get married, you have to come." "No. Can't you tell me before?" She complained, still not moving. "You won't come, if I tell you beforehand. Tsk it will be okay. Come along. Please? For me?" He said, taking her hand to his. Avni couldn't insist anymore.
An old lady was pacing up and down when they reached to the front door. "Here they come!" She Exclaimed when they were in sight. A couple came out, along with a women and a young girl. Avni could tell how eager they all were. "Oh my god Neil!! She's beautiful!!" The lady rushed to Avni and cupped her face. She then grabbed her and hugged her tightly. Again looked at her, "she's perfect for you! So when's the wedding?" Avni almost choked her breath with the question. "Oh ho Shweta! Stop it. Let the girl breath at least. And get ourselves introduced." Said the older one. "Come in, my child. I'm Neil's grandmother. That's her Mother and Father. And that's Aunt and her daughter, Kareena. Come on in!" Bebe took Avni's hand and took her inside. Introductions and a lot of talks went on. Avni could see the close and a lovely bond they shared. "Would you like to take a look around?" Neil asked, intending to take Avni away from all the nonstop blabbering of Shweta. Avni nodded and followed him.
Avni walked along the corridor after checking out the house. Neil then took her to his room. "So?" He asked. "So?" Avni short it back, making Neil laugh. "Are you ready to come here, forever?" Avni's face was serious now. "I am. I mean your parents are really nice, and I feel really welcomed. But Neil.." she paused for a moment. "I am not a stay at home women. I work outside most of the day.. I might not be able to portray "the daughter-in-Law" role. I.." Avni didn't know how to complete the sentence. Neil sighed. "Though Mom is really nice towards you, it's a fact that she has a very cranky nature. She's unpredictable and might criticize the smallest of things. But as far as your career is concerned, no one would stop you. I assure you about that." Neil smiled. Avni wants to be his, forever. But what's important to mention, Had to be mentioned right now. Avni nodded and hugged him.

Neil and Avni walked into a mall one afternoon, preparing for their big day. Avni wanted most of the things to be done by them personally. They were checking on a set of necklaces. "Neil?" They both turned around to check on the voice. Avni saw a little chubby, but beautiful girl standing behind the with a grin. She was dressed formally and Avni had to agree, she was really beautiful. "Samaira!" Neil Exclaimed, and hugged her. "What a pleasant surprise! It's been so long, did you shift here?"Neil asked, still in the embrace. "More than a year! You didn't buzz me recently, and I didn't have your number." Said Samaira. "Well now we have met! And this time I wont let you lose contact on me." Neil teased. "Oh by the way, meet Avni. My gonna be fiancé. Avni, meet Samaira. A college friend of mine." Avni gave a warm smile and shook hands with Samaira.
They later lunches together and through the meeting, Avni learned a lot aboutNeil's college days, his interests from Samaira. She enjoyed the conversation, but was very uncomfortable with the closeness Neil and Samaira shared. She understand that Neil is overwhelmed to meet Samaira after so long, but she can't just resist. Avni didn't have enough guts to point that out, on their way home, Samaira was seated in the front with Neil. Avni managed at the backseat, and worked out on some of the emails, as she wasn't involved much in their conversation. Neil pulled in to the driveway of Avni's house. She didn't say a word and got out of the car. "Avni?" Neil's voice made her turn around. His heart dropped, seeing her expression. Neil thought Avni enjoyed Samaira's company, as much as he did, but it doesn't seem so. Avni gave a smile and walked in. Neil was compelled to leave, to drop Samaira to her home.

Avni waited for Neil's call and then got into bed. Next day is a holiday, so she have planned to help out Ayesha with the house chores. Avni wanted for a few more minutes and then decided to sleep.
In morning, Avni checked her phone for the first thing. She dropped the phone back on the bed, and draped the blanket over her head. Avni knew someone was in the room, as she heard the curtains open. "Mom.. I'll get up in a while, you can start up." Avni Said, without removing the blanket. No replies. Avni felt weird cuz Ayesha won't let her sleep in once she comes to the room. Slowly Avni slipped the blanket off, and was taken aback, to see Neil so close to her! "Neil!?" "Yes?" He smirked, trying to hold his laughter. "What are you doing here?!" Avni asked again. Neil shrugged, "I came to see you, and your Dad brought me in here." Avni got out of bed. "If this is to repent for yesterday and last night, then I'm not in, to listen to you." She mumbled and headed to the bathroom, but Neil caught her hand. "Avni... listen to me.. I didn't know that you were upset with Samaira's presence. I know I might have been a bit close to her, but that's because I met her after a long time. I had no other intentions.." Avni couldn't stay mad for long. "She lifted her head to face Neil, "I was very insecure, I know I shouldn't have been.. but.." Neil laughed and brought her into his arms. He loved her so much! And he know she loves him too. "Aww! I love it when you feel jealous!" Avni hit him playfully. "I'll take a shower and come." She headed to the bathroom. Nil couldn't take his eyes off from her exposed legs. She was wearing a white T-shirt with a patterned short, he hair loosely tied. Neil took a seat on the couch, taking out his phone. "Avi! Ohh.." Ansh barged in, making both Neil and him jump in shock. "Neil.." Ansh was surprised to see him in Avni's room, especially at this time of the day. "Oh.. sorry.. I.. I" Neil couldn't say. "I brought him here!" Joseph came in, clearing the misunderstanding. "Don't worry Ansh, he didn't sleep with your sister, if that's what you are thinking!" He laughed out, teasing Neil, who was turning really red now. "Tsk Dad!!" Ansh tried to stop his dad, as he know the funny nature of Joseph, whose always so close to his kids and acts like a friend to them. "I'm joking, ya! Come with me, I need your help with the fish tank." Joseph took Ansh with him. Neil let out a sigh. Avni then came out, drying her hair with a towel. "Was if Dad?" She asked. Neil laughed and nodded. "Teased you to death, I suppose?" Avni rolled her eyes as she know her dad very well. Neil moved closer and wrapped his arms around Avni's waist. "Ansh thought I was here last night, and.. I slept with you.." Neil whispered. Avni's skin flushed as if all the blood gathered to her cheek. She laughed to shoo away the nervousness. "I cant wait to make you mine.." Neil's husky voice made flip flops in her stomach. And before she knew, He was kissing her passionately. Avni's hands lifted to Neil's shoulder, holding him for a support and kissed him back.

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