Hopelessly in Love

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Neil worked hard in the morning, as he had to summon to court for a hearing, as a witness. He grabbed a quick brunch and drove in. The hearing had already started, so Neil signed up and waited until he was called in.
"Your honor, now I would like to call in ACP Neil Khanna to the witness box!" The defense lawyer was immediately granted permission, and Neil walked into the box. Avni then turned around to ensure whether her thought was right. Both were shocked as their eyes met, Avni couldn't help but purse her lips together, preventing a smile being shown. "A conflict of interest, Ms. Mehta?" Asked the judge who saw their reaction. "No.. no my lord." Avni quickly replied.
"So She is the public prosecutor of this case! Wow!" Neil was in awe. He was brought back from the thoughts when the defense started shooting questions. He was at full enthusiasm to turn the table around, accusing the prosecution for not completing the investigation. "I object your honor!" Avni raised from her seat. "The investigation was complete. And as far as the signature cards are concerned, they are not supposed to be in the position of a common man! A bank shall not allow the cards to an individual person. Hence, the charge is valid and Mr. Ahluwalia is guilty for the crime of Bribery!" She presented other witnesses and evidences, rebutting the arguments of the Defense.
"The arguments has come to an end. If there isn't any other objections from either side, the court will adjourn, next hearing will be for deliberation. A date will be informed." The judge adjourned the hearing.
Avni and her team gathered the documentations. She had another hearing at the High Court in an hour, so had to rush out. Neil thus did not get any chance to have a word with her. Rest of the day, both of them got too occupied.

Avni turned on the light of her room and quickly took a shower. She thumped on to the bed afterwards. It was a hell tiring day, three hearings in a raw and few meetings. Her soul was drained. Avni covered her face with her hands, massaging the her migraine nodes. Just then her phone rang. Avni let out a huff and picked it up.
A: Hello?
N: ah, Hi! Avni?
A: yes? Who's am I speaking to?
N: I'm Neil.
Avni almost jumped out of shock! It took a while for her to come back to her senses.
A: oh hi! How did you—
N: got your number? Well you left your bag in my car. And I found your card in there.
Avni quickly scanned around the room to ensure.
A: Ugh, I'm sorry. I didn't even realize haha.
N: haha it's alright, I'll rerun it Some time.
A: yeah.. thanks!
There was a silence for a while. Neither of them knew what to say.
N: oh how's your leg?
A: ah it's a bit better. Just the bruise, it will take a while to settle, I guess. And.. I didn't know you were "The ACP"!
Avni said as the thought suddenly hit her.
N: and I didn't know you were "The public prosecutor" who slapped the case on the face of Attorney Ankush!
Both of them broke into fit of laughs.
A: He has to be taught a lesson. I heard he always comes up with false evidences, so I was very curious to rotate the table.
N: I saw that very well haha
A: haha I bet!
"Avi, Naano is waiting for ya." Avni's bother Ansh peeked in. "Coming!" She replied.
A: um, so I gotta go. Thanks for informing bout the bag.
N: yeah, talk to you later... oh hey! Would like to um.. join me for.. lunch.. tomorrow?
Avni scanned through her mind for the schedule of the following day.
A: after work maybe? Working hours would be a bit tough for me tomorrow..
N: oh thats alright. I'll pick you up.
A: okay.. see ya!
N: you too!

Neil pulled into the driveway of Avni Ruth & Co LLP, sharp at 7pm. He tried Avni's phone but she didn't answer. He received a message in a minute, asking to come up, cuz Avni's gonna take a while. The watcher offered to park the car, so Neil took the elevator to the third floor. The receptionist was ready to welcome him, and offered him a seat from the lobby area. Neil looked around, and was fascinated by the picture at the wall. A long frame of Avni and her Partner was put up, with a complete bio. He was reading through, when Avni barged out of a door, in quick steps. "Well I'm not going to let that go easily. If the inspector fails to provide us with enough documentation's, please send letters to the Office of Chief Justice and get them. I need them for the hearing on 15th, Yeah?" She instructed her assistant. "You may go." She have a warm smile. She then noticed Neil. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting but, give me a few mins.." "haha it's alright." Neil assured her. Avni then turned to the receptionist, instructing her not to take any summons for a week as she's going on leave. "What a coincidence.. Even I'm going on leave in the same duration." Neil thought to himself. "Avni!" Neil looked at the direction of the voice. There stood a girl of about Avni's age. She shot a glance to Neil, "Rhea! How did you end up here?" Avni closed the file in her hands. "Just thought I'd drop by, and check on you." She again looked at Neil, he was very uncomfortable now. "Hehe have a seat. You'd like to have something?" Avnj asked as Rhea walked to the seatings and sat right next to Neil. Rhea shrugged, "Lets go out for dinner?" She offered. Neil could see Avni tensed up. He knew she was too nice to reject any of them. "Um.. I already have a company." Avni Said, pointing on Neil. Rhea's face turned white, but she tried her best not to show it. "Ooh. Dinner with an ACP?" She tried to tease. "Please, he's a friend." Avni rolled her eyes and Neil laughed softly. "We'll dine some other time?" She offered to Rhea, taking her bag and suit from her assistant, who brought them to the lobby. Rhea just gave a nod. "Ruth is inside if you wanna join her for a gossip." Avni winked at Rhea, who was burning from inside, unknown to her. "Sure." Rhea got up from her seat and headed to go inside. Neil too got up, still surprised by the behavior of Rhea. "Shall we?" He offered. Avni smiled and nodded.

"Who's her?" Neil asked once they were settled in the restaurant seat. "Who? Rhea?" Avni guessed. "Yeah.." "Oh she's a cousin of mine. Doesn't usually come to my office, it was quiet surprising for me as well." She smiled and shook her head. "I see. And what's the case that you need the documentations for?" Neil asked recalling the events back in the firm. "Oh my god, you were sitting right there and I didn't even realize ACP was present in the room haha. I need some FIR documents. Will send you the case number." Avni explained. "Oh That will call go another coffee." Neil shooted. Avni laughed and nodded. They paced the orders. Avni was looking out of the glass wall. The view of the roads were breathtaking at this time of the night, from the eleventh floor. Neil could not talk rake his eyes off the beauty in front of him. Avni felt his eyes on her, and was a bit uncomfortable. "What?" She teased not able to control a soft laugh. Neil laughed too, shaking his head. Avni bit on her lip, looking away. The awkward silence was broken by the food. They shared about the mutual interest in food and traveling. Neil had been exploring Europe for the past two years hence they had a conversation to pick up.

Neil came home after dropping Avni. The last two hours felt like two minutes for him. He's already missing her. Missing her presence, her face and fragrance. I'm hopelessly in love with her! Neil thought to himself. He took his phone and went through the pictures, he stole from the night.

Avni closed the door behind her and rested her body on the door frame. What's happening to me? I don't even know him well. But why do I always want to be around him? Her chain of thought was broken by her phone.
"Hope you had a good time !"
It was a message from Neil. Avni's heart skipped a beat. She fumbled through the keyboard and drafted a few texts before sending a reply.
"I did, thank you! Nites." With that she skipped to her room, hoping to meet him soon again.

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