Chapter 20 - Rankings

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A/N (12/31/17) - I'm ending 2017 strong with this update! I just started writing on Wattpad this year and I never thought that I'd ever achieve anything. But to know that I've gotten over 20K reads on one of my works is just like mind=blown

Idk what that means to you guys, but it means everything to me. But enough about me, let me thank YOU for reading, commenting, and voting. It means so much. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and tell me what you think!


"So everyone understands why it might not be the best idea to tell Sally to jump out the window?" Mr. Olcan asks.

Everyone nods.

He clasps his hands together. "Good work team. Let's get to cooking. Energy bars for the cold, dead winter to come?"

Everyone in Home Ec jumps up excitedly, except for the blonde girl. "I thought we'd work on sewing techniques today? And knots? Crochet?"

"We're going to push that to next period,Ann," Mr. Olcan says softly.

"Okay," she tries to say as cheerfully as possible, but it's clear she's disappointed. She follows the rest of her classmates to the back room.

I wonder what came up, but I don't ask obviously. I hop up and try to follow everyone else, but the brothers aren't moving.

"Are you guys coming?" I ask.

"Mia," Mr. Olcan stops me. "To further your understanding of the pack, the brothers will be offering a...." He looks for words. "Tutoring session."

Tutoring session? I look at Axel and he smiles and shrugs.

"You'll be quizzed."

Quizzed? I glare at Axel and he smiles and shrugs. Carson laughs his butt off. I give him a dirty look.

Mr. Olcan chuckles. "I'm joking. Just pay attention and you'll get credit for today."

I nod. "Okay, Thank you."

"No problem, Luna," he says as he heads to the back room.

Whoa, I didn't expect to be called that. Let alone by a teacher. I sit back down and look from Carson to Axel to Aiden.

Carson wastes no time starting. "You said you were interested in spending some time around town getting to know stuff, right?"

I nod, even though it was Axel I told that to. Mind link I'm guessing? Or maybe just gossip.

Carson smirks and leans forward. "Well we made a plan for you to be able to do that."

I give him a flat look. "I'm not skipping school with you guys." Let alone being alone with them. Axel I trust a little bit. These other two? Not so much with their weird zoning out and... impulses. I give Carson a suspicious look.

Carson deadpans. "I never said that."

"We didn't mean right now," Axel clarifies.

I raise an eyebrow. "Then why are we"

It's Aiden's turn. "Well in order to explore the town you need to know how everything is divided."

That makes sense. I nod for him to keep going, but it's Axel that speaks.

"There are three main divisions, kind of like the branches of government."

"Stop, you're confusing her," Carson cuts him off.

Confusing me? He's barely said anything.

Carson moves his chair right beside me. Right beside me and leans closer. "Alright, listen, Mia." He takes my hand.

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