FAQ And Mate Quiz! :D

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A/N (3/11/18) - Okay so if anyone remembers that quiz I promised (to see who your TATM imprint would be), I did it. Here's the link :D


But I know wattpad is really bad about allowing links to be clicked, so simply searching "Who is Your TATM (Male) Imprint" on QUOTEV should bring it up. Or you could go to my profile on Quotev. My username on there is also "fallingin"

I hope you enjoy it! I added a little something something to most of the results~

Beyond that, I'm just gonna use the rest of this chapter to answer a bit of questions. This isn't an exhaustive list. It's actually quite short, so feel free to comment any more questions you have. I'll try to answer anything that doesn't spoil ^^


Okay, I'll start with the dire question: "Who will Mia end up with??"

The title is not a lie. Don't worry. She will end up with all three brothers. DON'T FREAK OUT. Keep reading. There's hope if you don't like that xD

"Why all three? Is it even possible?"

I can't explain all of the minute details and mechanics because I won't spoil this early on in the game. BUT I can tell you my motivation behind doing this.

I've read a lot of stories about triplet werewolf alpha brothers before. I've even read a story with quadruplets or quintuplets. I can't remember. What I'm saying is, despite how great these stories were, I felt like I didn't get the opportunity to get to know each brother individually. They all just bled into one mass of "triplets" if that makes sense. And worst of all, I'd end up liking one brother more than the others. And then I'd get mad at the MC because I felt like she was cheating on my favorite. I decided to turn all of my aforementioned crazy fan emotions into something productive.

I made this story as a way to make a work in which all three of the mates would be equally loved (by me at least). I didn't want any of them to outshine the others. And I made the main character a human instead of a werewolf just because I felt like I could write that better and do more plot-wise. If the multiple imprints thing doesn't make sense in the werewolf universe... *shrugs* It's what I wanted so it's what I did xD

"What if I don't like her with all three? Why can't she just choose one?"

Here's what I can do for you. I will NOT change the story. In this book, Mia will end up with all three brothers. But I will do this: oneshots by popular demand (or just me feeling like it) :D

So let me explain. Maybe a little further on in the story, if you guys are really invested in one brother or even a side ship between secondary characters, I'll create a separate, non-canon oneshots to help you guys out emotionally. I want your hearts happy okay? I know it's not fun when you feel like all your ships have gone to naught. Here are the ones I'm definitely doing so far:

Onai x Michael

Onai x Mia (non-canon, but still something I think would be cool to explore)

Brittany x Krys

One for each brother as though they were Mia's only mate

Any other suggestions are welcome. No guarantees, but if I'm feeling it, I'll try :D

Bonus: What do you guys think the birth order of the triplets is? Thanks for reading~ Any other questions about the book or my writing process in general are welcome ^^

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