Chapter One

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I stood in front of the request board, scanning each flyer. None of the solo jobs really stood out to me, most being along the lines of general labor for a low pay. Deciphering ancient texts, repairing structures that were damaged by natural forces, eradicating unwanted rodents, nothing seemed exciting, and I wouldn't be able to pay this month's rent in time with the reward that was advertised. Usually Natsu, Happy, and I would go together for a job request, which was fun because we got to fight some beast or monster. But neither of the two named had shown up yet today, which was weird. There isn't a day, unless off on a job, that those two don't show their faces at least once around the guild hall.

"Whatcha thinking about doing, Lucy?" Mira asked from behind the bar where she was cleaning two beer mugs.

I walked over to the bar and had a seat on one of the stools, the feet scraping against the floor with a loud squeak as I scooted close to the counter top.

"I don't know, nothing posted for the solo requests are speaking to me," I sighed, twirling a strand of hair around my finger.

"What about going on one with Natsu? Nine out of ten times he's dragging you along with him anyway," she giggled, setting the mugs under the bar.

"I haven't seen him or Happy yet, so I thought about going on one by myself. Maybe I'll ask Levy or Erza if they want to go with me."

"Erza is already out on a request, and Levy said she was feeling sick and went home."

"Aw, man," I pouted, resting my head on the countertop. "What about Gray-"

"Juvia took him hostage."


"Went with Romeo and Macao into town."


"Lucy... you know I don't take job requests anymore. And even if I wanted to, no one would be here to take over my position as bar maid. I'm sorry."

I sat up, running my fingers through my hair. "It's alright, I'll just look over the request board again and see if there're any I might have missed."

Standing, I smoothed my skirt down and walked away before Mira could say anything more. She was right, though. Natsu was my number one person to go to when it came to jobs that required a team. If I wait around for him any longer, though, I don't know what I'll do about my rent. This would be the third month in a row I would have to ask for an extension, and it seems unlikely that the land lord will accept it. I will be kicked to the streets, I can't afford to stay in the housing provided by the guild, everything will get more complicated.

I eyed the rodent flyer, it being the only request I can see myself being capable of doing. Just the thought of rats made me squeamish, how was I even imagining myself being able to rid tons of them? I frowned, reaching for the paper.

"What's with the long face?" The familiar voice made me gasp. I spun around and was greeted by a toothy grin.

"Natsu," I smiled, my spirits lifting just at the sight of him. "I've been waiting for you, dummy."

"Sorry, someone, decided to sleep in," he rolled his eyes, glaring at the blue cat flying into the hall behind him.

"Why're you blaming me? You slept later than I did!" Happy protested, landing with a plop on Natsu's head.

"You can spare us the details," Natsu joked making me laugh and Happy smack him.

"Let's hurry up and pick a job you two," I said, in a better mood.


Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. You're okay, everything is fine, you're doing great. Deep breath in, slow breath out. Think about something, think about something, think about anything. The most recent book you've read, wasn't it amazing? The-the ending had you in tears, how could he just let her go into the forest alone? She had to have died out there-

A tinge of pain shot through my body and I leaned over the side of my bed, throwing up into the trash can set below. The taste of bile stuck to tongue, my head hung down as I panted. I could feel as my stomach churned and another wave of nausea overcame me, more of my guts were hurled into the trash can. I threw myself back onto my bed, bringing my knees to my chest and pushing the palms of my hands into the sides of my head which pounded with a migraine. It felt like my entire body was on fire, but I couldn't stop shivering as sweat poured down my skin and soaked into my bed sheets. I squeezed my eyes shut, as it was no help seeing through blurry vision.

What the hell is going on, what is happening to me? I woke up feeling fine this morning... I went through my normal morning routine; I got up at seven, made toast with some jam, got dressed, attempted to tame my hair but in the end tied it up out of my face, brushed my teeth, and left for the guild. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, did I? Everyone at the guild hall acted like they always do, Cana was on her third barrel of beer, Juvia was all over Gray, Lily flew happily over to me to talk like we always do, Gajeel was a dork and accidentally scratched me when he walked past, nothing seemed different.

Then how did this happen? I've never felt this sick in my life, pain I haven't experienced before. When I threw up, it felt like my organs would be next to follow the warm, thick, fluid. Every breath I took increased the rate my head pounded. I couldn't fall asleep and catch a break, my body wouldn't stop shaking, my throat was dry due to lack of water.

Water. I needed water. I tried to use the strength I didn't have to push myself up, but collapsed instantly. I needed to hydrate, it could be the cause of my headache. I tried getting up again, but fell off my bed, hitting the floor with a loud thump and knocking my trash can over. The now cold liquid sloshed across the floor and onto my clothes, seeping in and causing me to gag. Get to the sink. I crawled as quick as I could, which wasn't that fast at all, to the kitchen and scratched at the cabinets trying to hook on to one of the doors and pull myself up. When I was able to reach one, I steadied myself up onto my knees and pressed against the cabinets. I gripped the counter and pulled myself up even further into a standing position. The glass I had used at breakfast was left in the sink. I moved it over under the faucet and turned the handle up, intensely watching the clear water splash into the cup. Without even turning the faucet off, I shakily grabbed the glass, water spilling over the rim, and took a small sip. It was difficult to swallow it, but I forced the water down along with a few more gulps.

I turned the faucet off and went to set the cup down but the arm keeping me up gave out. The glass slipped out of my hand and shattered against the tile floor. I hit my head against the edge of the counter and collapsed, everything turning black.

Hope you enjoyed !!

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