Chapter Seven

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I sat next to Levy in the infirmary watching Mira scream and thrash. Master said this was normal- the four of us had gone through the same sequence which was violent vomiting and fever; fainting; excessive screaming; fits of slumber; and then waking up in a panic. The length of time it takes to go through each phase is different for everyone. For example, Master told us that Levy's sickness started about three hours after "the occurrence,"-he won't tell us what said occurrence is yet- and mine started about fifteen hours later. Levy also screamed more than she slept while I slept more than I had screamed. It's confusing, but Master refuses to tell us what's going on because it's something that's so big, we can't let it get out to anyone what is going on.

Lucy was out cold on the bed beside Mira, her face pale and unmoving. She had been sleeping since I had woken up about four hours ago. My eyes drifted back over to Mira who had been sedated with a drug that Porlyusica and Master had been injecting into her for the third time. She had creases in her forehead, which looked unnatural to me. I've rarely seen Mira with such a look of despair. It's also unsettling that the last time I saw Mira, she was completely healthy and for her to have taken such a 180-

Wait, the last time I saw Mira I was trying to tell them about something... but what?

"The book!" I exclaimed, my fist hitting the palm of my hand. Levy jumped beside me, I guess my sudden announcement startled her.

"What're you talking about?" Master asked, turning towards us from his stool. Porlyusica kept her eyes trained anywhere else but us. She didn't really seem to enjoy being here.

"A couple of days a go, I went to a bookstore with Wendy and Carla, and while browsing the shelves this book just randomly fell off the shelf next to me. When I first picked it up, it said nothing. But then later that night I picked it up again and it like revealed itself to me or something," I explained, taking a deep breath after my ramble.

"That's weird, a book has never done that for me before and I read a lot of books," Levy said with a slight shrug. I could tell she wasn't all there- she had woken up before I had, but when I looked at her she shrunk into herself. It was like the sight of me made her sick, but when Master released me from my restraints and I took a seat beside her, she didn't move or anything. Maybe it's just my imagination.

"What did the book say?" Master asked, ignoring Levy's comment.

"It was weird. It talked about Dragon Mating Season, and it said a lot of bizarre things," I said, trying to remember everything I had read.

Master's eyes went wide and he snapped around to share a look with Porlyusica.

"We need to get that book, where is it?"

"I'm not sure, Mira was the last one to have it."

Master bit his lip and thought. "Alright, I'm going to go get Erza and I need the two of you to go with her and search Mira's apartment for that book," he said, carefully getting off his stool and shuffling towards the door. "Porlyusica, please get the solution ready for them."

She exhaled heavily in response and walked over to the table they had made into their little station. Master exited the room without anymore explanation or orders. Levy and I were both handed a little cup filled with about an inch of blue liquid.

"What is this?" Levy asked swishing the liquid around in her cup.

"Drink it, it will make sure you stay focused on the instructions at hand," she said, speaking for what seemed like the first time in hours. Oh wait. This was the first time she had spoken in hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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