Chapter Two

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"Thank you for allowing us to join you two," Wendy smiled politely up at my dad.

"Yes, thank you very much," Carla chimed in, flying beside her.

"No problem, I enjoy you youngsters company, and I think Romeo does, too," Dad elbowed me with a snicker.

"Daaad," I whined, my cheeks turning a slight pink.

"I'm just teasing you," he chuckled. "Alright, you kids run along and occupy yourselves while I find what the Master asked for. We'll meet back at this location in an hour, okay?"

"Got it," I waved as he walked in the opposite direction. "Well, what do you two want to do?"

"I'm fine with anything," Wendy suddenly clung to my arm, making me jump. "As long as it's with you," her breath was warm against my skin as she whispered in my ear.

"W-what?" I stuttered, ripping my arm out of her grip, wheeling backwards.

"Wendy! That was very impolite, invading his personal space like that. What's gotten into you?" Carla swooped in between us. "Apologize."

Wendy had a faraway look on her face, as if she was so lost in thought she couldn't comprehend what had just been said to her. She snapped back quickly, frowning.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me, please don't be upset," she said, spewing out her words.

I rested my hand on the back of my neck, rubbing lightly and training my eyes on the ground. "It's fine, just unexpected." She didn't look convinced, but nodded anyway.

"I know!" She gasped. "We could go to that old bookstore! I haven't read a good book in ages!"

"Splendid idea, Wendy. I love peaceful moments where I can just sit back and read," Carla agreed.

"Then that's where we'll go," I couldn't help but smile at their excitement. The three of us found our way to the shop and as soon as we stepped in, the two disappeared. They must come here often, or know what they're looking for. I browsed the first few isles of books, but I'm not a big reader. I don't find much enjoyment in reading, it bores me. I like going out to find something exciting, like an adventure with Natsu.

As I reached up to a book, something hit the ground beside me. I snapped my head in its direction, startled by the sudden noise interrupting the silence. A book had fallen off the shelf and laid, cover up, on the floor. I looked around to see if anyone was near by who could have pulled it off the shelf, but there was no one. Bending down, I picked up the leather bound book. No title was engraved on the front, nor was anything on the outside indicating what it was about. The binding was falling apart, the cover slightly torn. I opened the book to the middle, a puff of dust rising causing me to cough. Nothing was written. I thumbed through a few pages, also turning up blank.

"Whatcha reading there," a whisper made me jump back, shutting the book. I quickly turned around and saw Wendy, her eyes ominous, staring straight at me.

"N-nothing. Just found an empty journal. I think I'm going to buy it for Lucy. She likes writing, doesn't she?" I nervously laughed, keeping the book down by my side. Sweat pooled at my brow as Wendy's gaze burned through me. Could she tell I was lying? Well, not that is was a complete lie..

She closed the space between us, keeping our eyes locked in contact. A giggle erupted out of her as she lifted her finger to my nose, gently placing it in the center of my face. I felt a pinch of pain, her nail leaving a small scratch on my skin.

"Lucy does like writing, doesn't she?" Wendy mumbled, her breath hitting my face.

"Wendy? Romeo?" Carla called from around the corner. Wendy's expression changed instantly, turning back to the innocent girl I knew her to be.

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