Chapter Five

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I watched Mira leave the guild hall, her eyes staring blankly ahead. Her dress had been covered in vomit and multiple people shot worried glances at her. If she had noticed the attention, she didn't seem to care.

"What's up with her?" Natsu asked, startling me with his sudden presence.

"God, Natsu, you scared me!" I snapped, taking a step back from him. He smiled his toothy grin wide at me, something that for once made me feel uncomfortable.

"Oh come on, Luce. Ease up a little," he said. I took another step back.

"I don't know, after everything that happened yesterday... I don't really feel all that comfortable right now... about us."

His smile faded and he looked disappointed.

"Hey, that's ok. I understand. I hope we can get passed this soon and things can go back to normal," he said. He slowly leaned towards me.

"Natsu-" I started speaking but was cut off by a sudden pinch from my ear. His fingers had moved so quick, I didn't have time to react. "Ow, what the hell?" I put my hand to my ear instinctively, furrowing my eyebrows at the perpetrator in front of me.

He held up a small thorn between his thumb and pointer finger. "This was sticking out of your ear. I guess the villagers didn't get them all last night." He tossed the thorn to the side and it disappeared onto the floor.

"Thanks," I mumbled, pulling my hand away from my ear. There was a single bead of blood on my finger. I wiped it onto my pants. "I think I'm going to go home now."

Natsu grabbed my wrist. "You should hang out here," He said. I was taken back- was he threatening me? "Ya' know, to make sure everything is ok in the infirmary since it seems Mira left for the day."

Oh, I guess that makes more sense. "I guess I could. See ya." With that, I pulled my wrist away and darted down the hall to the infirmary.

What was going on with everyone recently? First Natsu is professing his love to me, then Romeo freaks out and vomits, and now Mira seems like a lifeless shell. What bug did everyone catch?

I shook my head to myself, side stepping around the puddle of vomit that still remained on the floor. I collected my thoughts in preparation to enter the room, but as I pushed open the door, I quickly learned that nothing could have prepared me for this.

Levy was sitting up screaming at the top of her lungs, fighting against the leather straps that tied her to her bed. Her hair was matted and stuck to her forehead. Her clothes were covered in dark stains and her eyes were blood shot. As soon as her eyes landed on me, her screams turned into screeches. Romeo on the other hand was laying in a fetal position, sweat drenching his face. His wrists pushed into his temples and no matter how hard master tried to tie his hands to the sides of the bed, Romeo always squirmed his way out of grasp. He kept mumbling something but I couldn't hear it with Levy's shrieks bombarding my ears.

And then the smell hit me.

"Oh my god," I said, clasping my hand over my mouth. My stomach groaned at the sight, the taste of bile sitting at the back of my throat.

"Lucy!" Master exclaimed at my arrival, scurrying around the two ill members. His eyes stared straight into mine unlike they ever had before. His studying eyes made me feel even more uncomfortable than Natsu had a few moments ago. He lifted his index finger up at me. "Is the blood in your hair from recently?"

"What?" I asked, my hand going to my hair and the image of Natsu pulling the thorn out of my ear flooding my memory. "Oh, yeah, there was a thorn in my ear that Natsu got out for me."

My explanation didn't seem to settle him whatsoever. "I'd like you to take a seat in one of the chairs over there until Porlyusica arrives."

Dread began to sink in and I felt queasy.

What the hell was going on?


I leaned against my door to shut it and inhaled deeply. The book in the waistline of my panties was starting to slide down and hit the floor with a small thump. Chewing on my lip, I lifted my skirt and retrieved the notebook. My hand went to the knob of my front door and locked it. I don't know where the urge came from, but I didn't want anyone to see me with this.

I took a seat in my arm chair and studied the leather cover. There was nothing written on it whatsoever. A little confused, I started flipping through the pages. All of them were blank.

I bit down hard on my lip, feeling the skin split a little. This was just an ordinary notebook... why had Romeo made such a big deal about it? And why did I feel this weird connection to it?

My entire body jumped at the knocking on my door. I felt paralyzed as I kept my eyes trained on the book. The knock came again, this time louder. Without a second thought, I stuffed the notebook under the armchair cushion and hurried to the door.

Upon opening it I was met face to face with the man I had least expected to be at my door. The hairs on my neck stood on edge and a dryness had seeped into my mouth.

"Laxus?" I asked, hearing my voice quiver.

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