Chapter Six

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"Stay away from me!" I screamed, sitting straight up. My wrists instantly felt on fire and I fell back into the bed I was on. I blinked a couple of times at the bright light burning my eyes above me. Where the hell was I? What's going on? This isn't my house?

Panic set into my chest and I felt my breathing pick up. My body thrashed against the restraints.

"Levy!" I heard a somewhat familiar voice call out my name. In seconds an elderly face was hovering over me. I inhaled sharply, trying to get away from her. Who is this woman, why is she here, why can't I move? "Stop moving, child. Your wrists are already rubbed raw."

There was the sound of something scraping along the ground and then Master was looking over me as well. "Everything is alright, you are safe," he said, putting his hand on my forearm.

My eyes darted between the two, utterly confused. "What's going-" I began to speak but my throat stung and I cut myself off with a coughing fit.

"Don't speak, child. Your vocal chords are sore," the older woman said curtly. "That's what you get for screeching like that."

"Porlyusica," Master said in a stern voice.

She tsked and turned away. I looked around and saw Romeo strapped down to a bed beside me and Lucy to the one beside him. The panic intensified.

"Hey, hey, it's alright, Levy. You're ok, I promise," Master reassured, taking my chin in his hand and turning me to look him in the eyes. "I'll explain everything once everyone else wakes up, but I can promise you that everything is alright."

I nodded, even though his words were not helping my panic in the slightest. Suddenly, Romeo began spazzing beside me and a scream escaped his lips.

"Makarov!" Porlyusica barked, hurrying to a table on the opposite side of the room. Her voice sounded fairly familiar, but I just couldn't put my finger on when I had met her.

"Right." Master jumped off of a stool he had been standing on and dragged it after him to Romeo's bed. Porlyusica came back with a syringe filled about a fourth full with a clear liquid. Romeo shrieked and shrunk away from her, trying to free himself from the leather straps that held him down. Master pinned his shoulders down and Porlyusica stuck the needle into his arm, pushing the liquid into him. He slowly went limp and was out.

My jaw dropped at the scene.

"Do you think it's safe to unstrap her?" Master asked, looking in my direction.

"That is up to you to decide, I am only here to monitor their behavior," Porlyusica said, not looking in my direction. Master jumped down and walked over to my bed.

"I'm going to trust that you aren't going to freak out, alright?"

I looked it his eyes feeling a sense or urgency, but also a somewhat calm presence. He wouldn't let anything harm me, so I guess I had no other choice but to trust him. I nodded.

He unfastened the leather straps and helped me sit up. I inspected my throbbing wrists which were raw from chaffing.

"Here." I was handed a tube of ointment and bandages. With some help, I was able to cover and wrap them.

I bit my lip as I took in the state my guild mates beside me were in and remembered back to when I was at home sick.

"Uhm, Master?" I whispered, my throat still aching.

"Yes, child?"

"What happened to us... exactly?"

He sighed, shaking his head. "I will let you all know once I hear word that the last one has been contained."


"Laxus?" I asked, the hair on my arms prickling. "What are you doing here in the girl's hall?"

He grinned at me, propping his arm on the door frame. Laxus and I aren't exactly close so not only was it weird for him to be in the girl's hall, but at my door of all places. The only woman that Laxus really hangs out with is Evergreen, but I wouldn't say they're necessarily friends. So his presence now was anything but comforting, especially with everything I've witnessed at the guild hall.

"I just wanted to check up on you, I noticed you left the hall in this weird state," he said. Despite him sounding concerned for me, he looked almost giddy and on the verge of laughing.

"Well, I am alright, thank you for stopping by," I said beginning to shut the door. He suddenly stuck his foot out stopping me from being able to close it. He peeked through the crack that was between us.

"That's not the only reason I came here." His voice grumbled in a low chuckle.

"Please leave, I want to be alone." I pushed against the door but it didn't budge.

"Aw, come on." He pushed back harder and the door began to splinter. "Play with me."

I couldn't believe this was happening, not that I knew what 'this' was. Whatever it was, it wasn't going to end well.

I took off deep into my apartment, racing into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I was able to turn the lock just in time as Laxus rammed into it.

"This isn't fair, Mira!" He bellowed. The door moved with every blow it took, but it continued to hold strong. "Let me in!"

My eyes threatened to let the water works run as I searched for a possible exit. The only option was the window but I'd have to get it open and transform into something small enough to escape before the door caved in.

"You can't hide from me for long."

I had to take my chance. Flinging to the opposite side of the bathroom, I unlocked the pane and began pushing it up. It didn't budge. The door cracked behind me followed by his laughing getting increasingly louder. I tried again but with no luck.

My eyes roamed around for something to smash the glass with. The door crashed open before I could make a decision.

"Mirajane," Laxus growled, stepping into the room. He stared down at me. I couldn't help but shiver; what was he planning on doing?

"Hey!" Someone called from behind him.

"Shit," he grumbled. With one swift motion, he clawed my cheek. My hand instantly went to the slashes which stung.

"What the hell?" I yelled, punching him in the chest. He didn't look phased at all.

"Now you're mine," he said.

"Laxus," Gildarts boomed standing right behind him.

"Yeah, yeah, 'take me away' or whatever shit the old man told you to do." He squeezed past Gildarts and waltzed right out.

"What is happening?" I whispered.

"Oof, he got you pretty good," he said, delicately lifting my hand off of my cheek. I could see my hand stained red in my peripheral vision. "Here, take this. It should push off the side effects until we get to the hall." He pulled a little container out of his pants pocket and popped a pill into my mouth.

"Side effects?" I asked after swallowing.

"You'll know what I mean soon enough. We have to go now."

I ran behind Gildarts who took off after Laxus. My stomach began to bubble and nausea started creeping up my throat.

"Oh god..." I groaned, trying to keep up.

Hope you enjoyed !!

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