Chapter Four

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I sat outside the guild hall infirmary waiting anxiously for Master to return. He had gone out, once Levy had been transported safely to the hall, to request the help from Porlyusica, an old acquaintance of his. My eyes would slowly drift closed, only to reopen seconds later. All night I had been curled up beside the infirmary door, too scared to go in and see Levy, but also too nervous to leave her side. Anytime I was almost asleep, her shrieks would startle me awake. A sequence of loud noises would follow as Master cursed and tried to calm her down.

Levy had become conscious a few minutes before Erza arrived last night. She started having a coughing fit, which sent me further into hysterics not knowing what to do. Once Master was present, Erza carried Levy back to the hall and I joined the three of them. Throughout the night, she would wake up, thrashing and screaming. I felt so bad when Master emerged from the room at the crack of dawn, deep, dark circles set under his eyes. I didn't know how I could help but sit outside and wait.

"Hey, Mira?" Lucy's hand was now waving in front of my face. My heart was running at hyper speed, her appearance unexpected. "You don't look too hot."

"Sorry, you scared me there," I sighed, trying to catch my breath. I looked up at her, getting a glimpse at her expression. She also had dark circles under her eyes like Master, and her forehead was covered in creases. "You don't look to good yourself. Where's Natsu and Happy?"

"Yeah lets not go there," she set her lips in a thin line. "What about you? Why're you sitting out here? Is someone in the infirmary?"

"Last night..." I shivered as the events played over in my mind. "I found Levy-"

"Lucy! Mira!" Romeo's voice echoed down the hallway. He was panting as he stopped in front of us. He clutched a book in his hand, which he thrust into Lucy's face. "I found this book when I was out with Wendy and Carla and its the weirdest thing I've ever read," he spoke a mile a minute.

"Whoa, calm down Romeo, you're talking way too fast," Lucy took the book and studied it. "There's nothing written inside. What's this supposed to be?"

"It was about Dragon Mating Se-" suddenly he grabbed his knees, leaning over and vomiting. Lucy and I both screamed, scurrying back as he hurled again.

"What the fuck?" Lucy screeched, slapping her hand over her mouth and dropping the book.

He collapsed into the puddle he created. The book clattered at my feet as Lucy gasped. My eyes locked on the blank cover, my heart thumping.

"Oh god... someone, help! Romeo's sick..." Lucy called, her voice fading as she ran towards the dinning hall.

My eyebrow twitched, and my lips felt dry. Without meaning to, I reached out and picked up the notebook. My finger tingled under the worn book, but nothing happened. I don't know what it was, but I felt drawn to this little notebook.

"Romeo!" I heard someone call out the child's name.

"Hide the book," Romeo hissed, startling me. I didn't question, quickly stuffing it up under my dress and into the waist band of my underpants. I stood, smoothing the fabric down and stepping out of the way.

"Ah! My poor Romeo," Wendy was the source of the voice from before. She knelt down beside him, her knees splattering his bile. I felt my stomach pinch at the sound of her slumping into the mess. She didn't seem to care though, and rested his head in her lap. Caressing the side of his face, she whispered, "I'm so sorry to do this to you."

"Uh, Wendy?" I cautiously took a step towards her. She whipped around, staring daggers at me.

"Stay back, woman. If you think about getting any closer to my Romeo, I'll slit your throat," she said, her eyes growing wide.

I threw my hands up in front of me, slowly backing away. What was going on around here? Everyone was so off...

"Jesus..." Master was suddenly beside me, without me noticing his return. "Mira, grab Erza and have her take Wendy. She'll know what to do. I'll take Romeo." I didn't move instantly, still in shock of the entirety of the events. "Go!"

My legs were moving before my mind was as I rushed off to find Erza. I caught a glimpse of her hair at the doors to the guild hall.

"Erza, hurry! We need you!" I called out. She gave me a confused look, but came charging over anyway. I filled her in on the Wendy situation, and she nodded, going ahead to help. Once I caught up, I saw Wendy thrashing and screaming in Erza's arms.

"You can't keep me away from him, none of you can!" She screamed as Erza hurried off with her to the unknown.

"Mira, I need you to grab his legs," Master instructed, nodding his head towards Romeo's lower body. Mt stomach was in knots as we lifted him, his vomit dripping from his shirt and sprinkling the floor. Romeo jolted and vomited again, splattering myself and Master.

"I'm so sorry," he coughed.

"Hurry, get him in the infirmary." Master lead us in and we quickly laid Romeo out on a bed. I had to keep my head lifted and my dress out of my vision or else I'd start throwing up too. I caught a glance at Levy, she was pale and heavily breathing. "Porlyusica should be here soon, she had to prepare a traveling case of her medical supplies," Master said as he examined Romeo's body.

"What's happening to them?" I asked, still terrified.

"It's not something I can share at this time, please understand, Mira."

I stared at Levy as her chest rose and fell. "Of course, Master."

God, I wanted to know. What could have caused these two to become so ill so quickly?

"Why don't you go get cleaned up... I'm sorry about your dress."

"Don't mention it," I said numbly as I hurried out of the infirmary before I caught whatever those two had.

An update !! I hope you enjoyed !!

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