One Finger Hold

113 25 2

You were, are, the thing I want most.
You are beyond my reach.
I am so close to you,
But it feels like I will never truly be with you.
I don't mean romantically,
Romance is something that never processed with me,
I want to be so close to someone that people question if we are together,
But I want it to be just that good of a friendship,
That much trust between two people.
But something like that seems so distant with you.
Don't get me wrong
I am so happy with what we have,
With this friendship.
But you are like a flower,
You blossom to be nurtured
But to be plucked and kept close,
You wither.
So how can I bring myself to pick you,
To be so selfish to want you to myself.
I want to be your favorite.
I want to be the one you turn to.
I want to be the one you choose above others.
I know that is so, so selfish,
But it's honest.
And don't we all want something like that?
To be the world to someone.
To know they need you.
To know without you, it would hurt them more than anything.
Not that I want to hurt you,
Just to know that I'm not the only one who hurts so much to be without you.
You are like the friend I lock pinkies with as we walk.
We are close enough to do such a thing,
But not close enough to actually hold hands.
To link arms
Or wrap our arms around each other as we walk.
And will we ever be?
Who can say.
Because to me,
You are beyond my hand,
Beyond my level,
Beyond my arms reach.

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