Although the path I walk
Is much smoother than in the past,
It is still no leisurely walk.
I can't complain too much,
As my path once lead me though
Mountains and many
treacherous places.Even if the path I walk now
Is rocky and uneven,
At least I do not walk alone.
Through smooth stretches we
Skip and laugh along our journey,
While in the rocky parts we help
Each other along.I am happy with what I have.
The people I have.
I wouldn't want anything else,
And I wouldn't trade the world
For some of the people I have met.
Because why walk a smooth,
Leisurely path,
If you walk it alone?
Writings to the Moon
PoesieMy readers are the witnesses to these jumbled thoughts that crash and collide in my head, that my fingers from the letters to words that work their way into sentences that become stories and tales for your brain to pull apart into sentences and word...