Chapter No # 1

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Chapter No # 1

Arnav layed on bed crasing khushi's and his honeymoon picture...

Arnav: where are you JAAN? You promised me you will never leave your Arnav then why? Why you left without meeting me without informing your Arnav why Khushi why?

Khushi sitting on wheelchair wearing blue saree... Nitin cameout from room with 1 and half year old Baby Girl....wearing Pink Frock...

Khushi: Nitin where is Esha?

(Esha cameout from room wearing dark blue jeans with yellow top...)

Esha: I am here Khushi...look how beautiful looking Our Princess...

(Khushi's eyes get teary... And she wipes Her tears...)

Nitin: what happened Khushi?
Khushi: nothing Nitin just missing him...
Esha: Khushi why You won't meet him?
Khushi: how will I meet him Eshu.... I can't...
Nitin: why Khushi? He is very restless for whole 2 years he is searching you like mad!
Khushi: I know Nitin...

(Then suddenly door opened....And heard Surpriseeeeee!!!)

Khushi: Lav, Aman ...

(Lavanya hug Khushi while taking Muskan from Nitin....)

Aman: how are you Bhabi? And how's my Little Princess?
Khushi: we both are fine... How's you both? And How's Arnav Aman?
Lav: He is not like before Khushi.. He is nothing without you...
Esha: I am saying her Lav why she won't meet Arnav?
Khushi: there is no need to meet him Esha... Let's go to Hall guys guest already arrived...
Nitin: Esha it's waste of time asking her why she won't meet Arnav so just leave it....
Lav: let's go Eshu di... She is more stubborn then ASR....
Aman: yeah afterall she is Mrs. ASR...

(Khushi smile bit and Aman take Khushi with him and all left to down hall..)

Arnav continuously calling Aman but his number is out of reach...

Arnav: damm where is He... Damm it Aman?

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