Chapter No # 6

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Chapter No # 6

Khushi talking on phone with Lavanya....

Khushi: whattt? Seriously Lav
Lav: yesss...
Khushi: I cant belive finally you are ready ... I am very happy....
Lav: I am also happy....


Lav: ok Khush I am keeping the phone as ASR is in bad mood today...

(Khushi tensed hearing this...)

Khushi: why what happen to Laad Governor now always in bad mood huh...

(Lav smiled....)

Lav: well I dont know the reason and nor he is ready to tell me and aman...
Khushi: hope Anjali di did not done anything stupid again which spoiled his mood...
Lav: hope so...
Khushi: ok Lav Muski came i'll talk you later...
Lav: yeah bye give lots of kiss to My Baby...
Khushi: yeah yeah...
Lav: i'll give Arnav your hug...
Khushi: shut up Lav...
Lav: ok ok fine bye take care your self...
Khushi: yes bye...

(both hanged the phone..)


In Arnav's Cabin
Aman: Arnav we done what you said to us...
Arnav: thanks ... I know you both are very happy right?
Lav: yess if Khushi really came back to You because of our engagment...
Arnav: She'll surly come I know her...
Aman: ok so I have to do lots of arangments Arnav...
Arnav: no need I'll do myself you take care of office...
Aman: whatt thee! its my Engagment not your Arnav...
Arnav: i know duffer thats why I am doing everything remember what you said on my Wedding...

Before ArShi's Marriage
At Shopping Mall

Arnav: Khush stop Baby how much You run like this we can order online...
Khushi: oh Arnavji stop it its our Wedding and i am so excited for our Shopping...
Aman: yeah right Bhabhi do your shopping I'll make arrangments of your every functions ....
Lav: yup we are here na...
Arnav: yeah right ...
Aman: but yeah Promise me Arnav you'll do everything in My Marriage... Deal?
Arnav: Deal...
Khushi: uff busniuss Men are always making Deals Personal Life and Professional...
Arnav: yeah not like You... You Deal with me yesterday night that you will give me Ki......

(Khushi put palm on his mouth...)

Khushi: behave Arnav jii we are in public...
Lav: ufff ASR stop your romance out side atleast...
Aman: do your Romance after marriage every where...
Arnav: offcourse yess...
Khushi: shameless...
Arnav: only with You....

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