Chapter No # 8

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Chapter No # 8

Aman phone ringed....
Lav: whos call is it?

Aman show her phone screen ... Arnav's name flashing on screen which make them smile and after 2 rings Aman pick his call and put it on loud speaker...

Aman: hello Arnav...
Arnav: hey Aman...
Aman: where the hell are you from morning damm it are you in Mumbai still?
Lav & Aman: whatttttt?? (almost shout)


Arnav hold far his phone from ear hearing his scream...

Lav: are you telling lie aren't You?
Arnav: no I am not ask Khushi...
Aman: is it true Bhabhi?
Khushi: yess we are on the way to come Dehli...
Lav: OMG OMG i am not dreaming na Aman?

(Aman pinched her hard..)

Lav: ouchh!Aman: its not dream Baby... Finally you guys are together...
Arnav: Aman I am taking Muskaan and Khushi to Farmhouse... You both reach there I want to discuss somthing..
Lav: but why at farmhouse?
Arnav: because Farmhouse is best place to hide Muskaan for few days...
Aman: hidding Muskaan? why?
Khushi: because they are finding me...
Arnav: I cant take risk in this matter Aman...
Lav: alright we will reach there ..
Aman: is Roy tab on them?
Arnav: yes he is ...we will talk after reaching farmhouse...
Aman: ok then see you guys...

(Khushi hanged call...)

Muski: Papa where are we going?
Arnav: Princess we are going to our farmhouse...
Muski: farmhouse? why?
Arnav: we will stay there till Muski get Admission in new school...
Muski: new school yayyy...!
Arnav: yess Princess ...

(Khushi smiling at their talks..)

Muski: then i want new bag Papa...
Arnav: ok or?
Muski: new pencil colors, water colors, poster colors, glitters, markers...
Arnav: okkk or?
Muski: umm new clips ... New shoes...
Arnav: hmm so all you want this bs?
Muski: no this is for My school Papa ....
Arnav: hmm so we will buy lots of toys for Muski and dolls..
Muski: Papa I want fairy dress...
Arnav: we will buy lots of thing for you what ever you like baby...
Muski: yayyyy muski love you Papa...
Arnav: Papa love Muski too...

(She kissed on his cheeks and about to climb on him but Khushi stop her..)

Khushi: no Muski Papa is driving na ....

(Muski pouted...)

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