Chapter No # 10 (LAST)

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Chapter No # 10 (LAST)

Mr.Rathore: Oh come on ASR this is your hotel I am just manager here and you can do whatever in this hotel because you are owner of this hotel...
Aman,Khushi,Lav: Whattttt?

(Arnav raised his eyebrows..)

Arnav: What?
Khushi: How many secrets left Arnav? (raising her eyebrows)

(And then they all notice Khushi is standing on her feet ...)


Arnav: Khushi you.... you are walking?

(All surprised and happy ...)

Khushi: Oh shut up don't....

(Then only she noticed what he said and she looked down to her legs and jumped on him...)

Khushi: OMG OMG I can walk Arnav I can walk like before ....
Lav: Oh we are so happy Khushi ....

(All hugged in group and heard beautiful voice...)

"Hug without me Chottey"

all turned and shocked to see Anjali she come and hugged Arnav and he smiled hugging her back...)

Khushi: Arnav..??

(Arnav chuckled.... And give side hug to Khushi...)

Arnav: Don't be shocked Sweetheart.... This is real Anjali who was kidnapped from 6 years by Shayam the RD smuggler ....
Aman: Whatt?
Anjali: Yes when I was coming from Paris in flight I met with Shayam and he was so soft and lovable type and I trusted him so easily and after landing in India he kidnapped me saying he'll drop me to home as Chottey was late so I agreed....
Lav: Whattt? I mean how why?
Arnav: They collected every information about me and my parents.... Shayam was my step uncle's son whom I kicked out from our Mahal which is our native place and he came to take revenge from me and Di knowing we are Maliks... We don't know that he is our step uncle's son...
Khushi: But why he kidnapped Di?
Arnav: Because they thought my all wealth is on Di's name ..
Aman: But your wealth is on Khushi's name from Your marriage day...
Anjali: Yess thats why they planed doing plastic surgery to Sonu my deplicate and send her here and tried to snatch our property but they does not know that its on Khushi's name and when they came to know they tried to kill Khushi but luckily she saved by you both..... And from that time Chottey is tab on them and come to know about me but He don't know that Khushi is alive or not and he broke down not finding her and few days back finally I get rid from them and run from there and call Chottey from phone booth and thank devi maiya...
Arnav: Thank god I was near that time in area was buying ice cream for Muski and I was so shocked to see Di like that .. I thought she is lieing and same time I called HP in RM asking about fake Anjali and he said she is sitting and playing cards with her friends and thats it ...
Anjali: then I told him everything that Shayam is our step uncle son and RD smuggler whom police is finding from 10 years he has 100 cases on him .... And he murdered our parents when I was getting Marrired to Raman and they broke my marriage saying my papa had affair with some prostitute and my Mumma came to know and both killed eachother....
Arnav: But its not true our parents was innocent Shayam killed them per our step uncle's order and send him in our lives from where Anjali means Sonu and he enter in RM saying Anjali loves that man in Paris and they marry in Paris few days back in hurry ...
Anjali: Chottey trusted me with blind eyes so he accepted their marriage.. But they were bed mates ... Even Shayam killed Sonu's mother for property and surprised thing is this that she cant do anything because she loved that r***** blindly ....
Arnav: Yesterday we planned this all and I wore blood proof jacket because I made plan in RM knowingly that they will hear and come for their completing plan and they done what I think... They came here and trying to kill me but in these good thing happened that you walk Baby and I am thankful for the bullet...
Khushi: Shut up you damm it .. For some time my Heart stop beating seeing him pressing trigger...
Anjali: Oho Khushi its not happen na so don't think much and lets enjoy now....
Aman: I am still in shocked that Arnav done something without me...

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