Chapter 8

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            Chapter: 8

I slowly walk back to my living area and wait for Katniss to complete her private session with the game makers, my stomach grumbles in nervousness, for some odd reason I chill runs up my spin, making me feel like Katniss is taking too long.  

I shake the thought though, and press forward as the doors from the elevator slide open and allow me to pass through from the elevator shaft to the 12 floor.

When I enter the room Haymitch is waiting for me, we exchange an awkward glance. As I stare at him wearily “something on your mind?” I ask Haymitch, “Peeta come here, we need to talk.” He whispers in fear of any unwanted ease droppers informing themselves from whatever precious information Haymitch is hiding. 

I approach him slowly and he gestures for me to continue into my room. Before I take less than 5 steps Katniss storms into the room, she looks terrified; tears pouring from her beautiful grey eyes, her lushes olive skin blushed red in fear.

I instinctively rush to her aid and ask her “What’s wrong?” she continues down the hallway, weeping into her hands I attempt to ask one more time but instead of her broken soul I find a door being slammed into my face as I chase after her, it knocks me onto the ground.

“Peeta I’m so sorry!” she gasps, as she rushes to my aid, “don’t be sorry, what’s wrong with you? Why are you crying?” I ask curiously, “Peeta I’m sorry I just can’t talk about it right now,” Katniss explains as she closes the door behind her. Behind the doors I hear the shower come on and continuous crying I decide to leave and head back to my room.

I swing the door open and find Haymitch at the far end of my room enjoying some liquor; I sign at the sight of him. Right now I didn’t want to talk about anything all that lured in my mind was the desire to comprehend Katnisses troubles. “Have a seat,” Haymitch orders, “how’s your training going?”

“Fine, I didn’t really have much to offer,” I confess, “my private session must have been pure luck,” “Pffft, please Peeta stop pretending, I know you have great skills!” Haymitch rises from his seat, as he yells the drink spews from his cup onto the floor, “Peeta, please your love for Katniss can’t interfere with the games, I’m sorry call it what you will; bad luck, serendipity, faith, coincidence, it doesn’t matter all that will change in the arena,”  “I know, she’s going to kill me,” I hesitantly tell Haymitch, “I never stood a chance in these games anyways,”

 “That’s where you’re wrong!” Haymitch objects, “you’re so well off you don’t require anymore guidance from me, so stop being so pitiful and be a man, you can win! Stop thinking about Katniss and get a good night’s rest! Will talk more in the morning.”

As Haymitch flees the room, I lie on my bed and prepare for the wicked thoughts that will race through my mind tonight, but luckily my nervousness and concerns for Katniss makes me curious I think of every possible explanation but to no avail I fall into a deep slumber attempting to understand everything.

I awaken to the sight of an avox cleaning the carpet that Haymitch had stained with his drink the night before, “I’m sorry for the carpet stain, it actually wasn’t me; it was Haymitch.” I explain to the avox girl.

As she slowly turns around she reveals her identity and I see it is the red head girl, I instinctively turn and fall out of bed, as if on cue Haymitch walks in and dismisses the avox.

“So let’s get down to business,” Haymitch mumbles after taking a sip of a little bit of his morning spirits, “You don’t need my mentoring anymore.” I step back rise to my feet in astonishment, “wait, why not?” I ask curiously,

 “Because you don’t need it, in an hour head up for dinner, will see your test scores and head down for your interview with Creaser Flickermen, then tomorrow you’ll be in the games before your released into the games you’ll have some last minute advice with Effie about sponsors, then Portia will escort you into the arena entrance,”

 All this is too much for me at the moment I stumble back, and grasp so cloths, “alright, I’ll see you in an hour for dinner,” I tell Haymitch, he nods in agreement and leaves my room.”

I start the shower and step into the enchanting chamber of hot water. I must’ve spent an hour in the shower because by the time, I’m beginning to feel ready to exit the chamber I hear Effie knocking on my door, “I’ll be right out!” I yell out to Effie, I hear her heals stomp away in the direction of the dining table.

When I exit my room I notice I’m the last one, waiting to attend the table. We all sit in silence picking away at our food, I glance up to see Katniss nervous, I immediately remember the events of last night.

I sit in silence as I wait for someone to begin a conversation when Haymitch finally speaks, “how was your private session sweet heart?” Katniss sits motionless for a moment and finally speaks, “I shot an arrow at them,” she mumbles under her breath,” “you did what?” Effie yells “I didn’t shot it at them I shot it at their dumb pig!” Katniss explains.

The table begins to break out in a debate I sit back silently avoiding any kind of negative tension, soon enough we end up rushing to the couch and huddle around the TV, Katniss sits next to me but doesn’t look or acknowledge my presence.

When the TV comes on we observe the results, extremely focused and silent. All the careers score in the 8 to 10 range, the rest of the tributes score lower except for thresh who comes clean with a 10.

When my name is being announced I look away in fear of receiving a low score because of my comment, but relief hits me and everyone is congratulating me when I score and come clean with an 11.

Katniss glares at me in jealousy but then soon turns to a sweet smile for some inexplicable reason, but my victorious moment is short lived when Katniss matches my score with an 11 as well, I give her a reassuring hug and we are ordered to our rooms for the interview prepping tonight, I sneak to my room when I realize I will be in prepping for a while so I sneak of the kitchen to retrieve a roll and I’m shocked as I find myself hiding from Katniss and Haymitch who have entered the kitchen for what appears a private discussion.

At first it doesn’t bother me, my biggest concern was returning to my room with my roll of bread, “I’m going to meet with you for some final advice before the games,” Haymitch cautiously whispers to Katniss, “What about Peeta?” Katniss questions curiously, “He’s asked to be trained alone from this point forward,” Haymitch explains, I glance over the counter just to spot Katniss nods at Haymitch in comprehension.

The sheer pain of betrayal is in her eyes, now thanks to Haymitch Katniss believes I’m her enemy; there is no doubt in my heart that my love for Katniss will prevent her from killing me tomorrow.  

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