Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

            Haymitch and Katniss flee the room, I’m tempted to storm after Haymitch and attack him for what he has done, but before I do anything irrational Portia walks into the Kitchen

            “What are you doing Peeta?” Portia questions, “we are very limited with the prepping time, come along quickly now.”

            I nod and obediently follow her back to my room where they begin to clip my nails, trim my nose hairs, and arrange my hair in a presentable manner. It’s a good thing Portia was able to find me before I attacked Haymitch because my angry meditation allowed me to find a more effective way of bringing my plan into action, not only will it be good for Katniss and I but it will hit Haymitch right in the face.

            Prefect! I think to myself that’s exactly what I want; tonight at the interview I will finally set fire to the spark that will ignite my plan. “Is something on your mind?” Portia asks, “You seem a little preoccupied with your thoughts you’ve been ignore us the whole time.”

            I was completely oblivious to the attempts they were making to talk to me, was I really that deep into my thoughts? I ask myself, I must have been otherwise I would’ve heard them.

            “I’m sorry, I’m just nervous,” I lie to Portia, “nervous about the interview.” “Are you sure that’s it?” Portia curiously questions again. Its obvious Portia sees right through me and can tell my worries and concerns for Katniss, “Its Katniss isn’t it” “yes,” I finally admit, Portia dismisses the prep team after they bring in my suit for the interview, “How can you always tell I’m thinking about Katniss?” I ask Portia.

            “Because true love is impossible to hide,” Portia explains, “everything you do, it’s always been to save her, hasn’t it?” I give small chuckle; the thought of my love for Katniss being impossible to hide was true, I was dumb to think I could sneak it past someone as smart as Portia.

            “Yes it has been,” I come clean to Portia, as I step into my suit pants. “When I die please help Haymitch to do everything in his power to save her,” this brings a frown to Portia’s face I can tell the thought of me dying to save a girl who has been incoherent of my existence all her life is unbearable for her.

            “I’m sorry Portia but I have to do it,” I shriek. “Just remember loving someone who doesn’t love, you is like waiting for a boat at a train station.” Portia says with the threatening break in her voice that slowly makes her begin to cry.

            She places my blazer over my shoulders and buttons up the top button, “there, you look handsome.” Portia lovingly compliments me, I bring her into a last hug and tell her “thank you for being so kind,” she kisses my forehead and begins to escort me to the interview theater.

            As we step into the elevator the doors close behind us and she glances at me, and says “why didn’t you ever tell Katniss you loved her back in your district?” I stop and ask myself the same thing, why didn’t I do it? Was it because of my nervousness? Did she intimidate me? Or was I just too shy?

            To my surprise I myself could not answer those questions the dwelled in the inner livings of my mind. “I guess I never got around to it,” I lie to Portia, when in fact the most logical explanation I could think of for why I didn’t tell Katniss, was because I was afraid of her rejecting me, and also Gale, he always scowled and intimidated me whenever he caught me looking at her.

            Portia just signs and I’m certain she is aware that I am not being honest with her, but to be honest I’m not quiet in the mood to discuss my love for Katniss, the only thought that lingers in my head is the exquisite execution of my plan, it must be played out perfect tonight. 

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