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Sounding foggy and far away, I faintly hear my cell phone ringing on my nightstand.

I stretch, yawn and roll over, bleary-eyed and wondering who the fuck is calling me so early.

The numbers on my alarm clock finally come into focus and I realize it's ten o'clock, so it's not early anymore.

"Hello?" I quickly clear my throat, so I won't sound like a gruff hyena.

"Hanna, I need to talk to you."

I recognize that abrasive and curt voice, it's Jana from the restaurant.

I clear my throat again and sit up in bed, rubbing my eyes. "Jana? Okay is everything alright?"

I can't help but have a twinge of a worry cross my mind about why she is calling me and that it might be for something reprimanding.

"Everything is fine." Her tone is impatient. "Do you want to work for a private dinner event tonight?"

"Um," I falter. "I have a shift at the restaurant," I remind her.

Jana sighs dramatically. "Do you want the gig or not? You will earn extra cash."

Finally, the big break I'm hoping for! Maybe the universe isn't so unkind after all.

"Um, yes...of course I will take it," I say and chuckle, grinning from ear to ear.

"Fine, I'll get someone else to cover your shift."

"Thank you!" I chime enthusiastically as I bounce up and down on my bed.

Jana gives me the address to the private dinner party and what time to show up. I mentally wonder who it will be for and whether I'll see any celebrities.

Nervous, excited energy fills me to the brim and I find myself looking forward to work for once.

The address is out in the Hamptons, so even though I know it will be an extremely long trek out there it will all be worth it for the bonus cash.

After I hang up with Jana, I'm on cloud fucking nine.

I hope I can make some connections tonight that will help me network and spread the vines of success.

I immediately call my mom to give her the exciting news. If I can become successful enough to pay my parents back even half of what they've already given to me, then I'll be a happy camper.

"Hi, Mom," I shout into the phone, the joy vibrating across the miles between us.

"Oh, hi, Hanna. I'm just working in the garden," my mom declares.

I know she loves to be outside, doing yard design. I always joke and tell her she should start up her own landscaping business, but she writes me off, saying it's more of a therapeutic hobby for her than something she would want to turn into an actual job.

"That sounds good. Mom, guess what?" I can hardly contain my excitement.

"What, sweetie?" She flares with intrigue.

"I got an awesome side job for tonight, it's a private party out in the Hamptons. Mom, I'm so freaking excited you have no idea." I talk animatedly and ambitiously.

"That's so wonderful, Hanna," my mom states with sincere enthusiasm. "You are such an amazing, hard worker that I'm not surprised something good is happening for you on the financial front."

"Thanks for always believing in me, Mom. Will you tell Dad the news?"

"I sure will, sweetie."

"Okay, I'm going to let you go back to your yard work now," I say. I'm too bubbly and so pace my apartment, too energized right now to sit still.

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