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We dress again after another round of incredible sex and I continue to marvel at just how hot Rocco really is.

"How often do you work out?" I stare at his bulging muscles. "I mean, you literally have muscles in every surface area of your body. Do you even have body fat?" I tease.

"I try to hit the gym once a day," he says humbly and pulls his white t-shirt over his head.

"You must not eat any of the food you prepare," I joke.

"You are sexy and toned too," he mentions and squeezes me tight to him, hugging me close to his strong and sturdy body.

"Yeah, but I don't have muscles on my shoulders," I say.

Rocco roars with laughter. "I should hope not. That's more of a guy thing, wouldn't you say?"

I shrug. "I guess so," and I grin up at him.

"Speaking of food, I'm famished," Rocco says as he rubs his rock-hard stomach.

"Me too," I admit. "Having sex with you sure can lead up to a crazy appetite."

"That's another way we can stay fit," he winks at me and rubs my back.

"Are you always this charming?" I raise my eyebrow at him, not quite yet sold and wondering if he's just a player.

"Don't be cynical," he teases me. "Not all men are dogs."

"That might take some convincing," I say laughingly and point a finger at him. "All joking aside, I'm having a great time with you," I tell him.

"I know. So am I. It's rather surprising," he admits.

"I just thought I'd cast that net out there and make myself vulnerable," I chuckle.

"I won't hurt you," Rocco promises and he looks sincere as he strokes my cheek.

"Well, how about I make you breakfast instead?" I offer, wanting to seize this opportunity to flesh out my talents for Rocco to witness first hand.

"That sounds great." He places his hands behind his head and sighs with contentment. "Finally, someone to cook for me," he chuckles, then grins with enough charm to make me come by just his sheer handsome looks.

I decide to make him both a Monte Cristo and an Eggs Benedict sandwich. I want to be fancy but also relatable.

As I work, Rocco stares at me in bewilderment.

"What?" I chuckle, feeling self-conscious.

"Nothing," he shakes his head. "I just...had no idea how great of a cook you are."

"Yeah, well, nobody really knows," I mumble. "No one will give me a chance."

"Hmm, I suspect that maybe Jana plays a role in this somehow?"

I cringe at the sound of Jana's name. "Maybe a little," I wince as I whip up the sauce for the Eggs Benedict.

"It smells amazing in here," Rocco admits.

"I am going to top off our delicious and savory meal with a sweet treat for the side," I mention.

"Oh, yeah? What will that be? I can't wait to dive into all this scrumptious food," he says.

"I'm going to toss together a fruit salad with a twist," I grin. "The twist being added coconut."

I hand Rocco a completed sandwich and his eyes widen in hunger.

"My mouth is watering," he says and takes a hefty bite.

I stop what I'm doing for a moment to absorb his reaction. His eyes roll back in his head and he groans with satisfaction. "Wow," he mumbles through a mouthful of food. "That is fucking amazing," he remarks and points to the sandwich as he places it back down on the plate.

"Thank you." I beam at his praise and then hand him a bowl of the fruit salad.

He takes a bite. "Holy shit," he exclaims. "You have got to give me the recipe for this!"

"It's really easy," I chime. I'm working magic here and impressing one of the top chefs in all of Manhattan, who is renowned in so many aspects of the food industry. This day is peaking and it's not even noon yet.

"I'm sorry your talents have gone unnoticed up to this point," Rocco says and wipes his mouth with a napkin. "I vow to change that from this day forward."

"Really?" I squeal.

"Yes," Rocco looks sincere as we make eye contact. "You are seriously a fireball in bed and a magician in the kitchen. You are the perfect woman."

I nearly pass out from his bubbling compliments. "Thank you so much," I place a hand on my heart, swooning with a passion for him.

"You're welcome. I can't believe how incredible you are," he smiles genuinely.

After breakfast, we spend the day together at my apartment, cuddling and talking and watching movies.

I love getting to know Rocco and I'm finding that he's really a softy inside after all.

"You have such a cold demeanor at work," I tell him but in a teasing manner.

"I know." He rolls his eyes and rubs my knee as I lay against him on the couch.

"Why is that?" I ask.

"I have to be that way," he states. "If not, nobody will take me seriously."

"That's doubtful," I argue. "You are respected everywhere you go."

"How do you think I got that way?" He chuckles. "I have to be aggressive so that people will know who's in charge around here."

"I guess that makes sense," I nod and press my ear against his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat thumping in his chest.

"I never want this day to end," I admit, saying after a few minutes of comfortable silence between us.

Rocco strokes my hair softly. "Me either," he whispers, and I feel him plant a kiss on the top of my head.

"You have to work tonight, don't you?" I raise my head to look at him with disappointment.

"Yep," he nods begrudgingly. "I have to make the people happy."

"The people of New York need to learn how to share you," I joke.

"When do you work again?" He asks me.

I snort. "Ha! Um, never-o'clock," I say with dry sarcasm.

Rocco leans up. "What are you talking about?"

"I can't ever show my face there again!" I say. "Not after Jana caught us fucking. I mean all the girls there already hate me. If I come back, I'll be the victim of their hatred even further."

"Don't worry about those little bitches," Rocco grins. Fuck, he's gorgeous.

"They are so cruel," I admit.

Rocco rolls his eyes. "This isn't high school."

"They sure are fooling me then," I quip back.

"Don't be nervous, I'll keep them in check. They're all afraid of me."

I laugh. "No shit. I used to be one of them."

"Seriously, everything will be okay. Just keep your distance from Jana and the rest. Keep your head down and do your job with diligence and everything will work out," Rocco instructs.

"So, if I hear them whispering and talking shit behind my back, I just need to ignore them?" I say in a high and squeaky voice.

"Tell me who the perpetrators are, and I'll have their asses fired so fast it will make their heads spin," he smiles.

"You are my knight in shining armor," I joke.

"Not all heroes wear capes." He winks at me and we both laugh before giving each other one last goodbye kiss.

After Rocco leaves that evening, I count the hours until I'm reunited with him. These feelings for him are coming on stronger than ever, but I'm not afraid anymore.

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