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We ride to another restaurant location, only a few blocks away. It's more crowded in this area, and I know it to be trendy as well as up and coming.

"What are we doing here?" I ask quizzically as Rocco helps me climb from the bike.

"Do you like surprises?" His eyes gleam with adventure.

"Yeah." I chuckle and cross my arms. "Rocco...What is going on?"

The skin on the back of my neck prickles. I'm excited to see what he has in store. I know Rocco is not one to disappoint, and luckily, I have firsthand experience with that now.

The outside of the building doesn't have a name, but I know just by looking at it, that it's a dining place.

"Come on., Follow me." Rocco grabs my hand and pulls me to the doors.

I peer through the window. It's empty aside from a couple sets of tables and chairs.

"Are we going in here?" I point to the glass doors.

"Hell, yes." Rocco winks at me and pulls out a key.

He unlocks the door and punches in a security code on the wall. Once the alarm silences, I stand there expectantly, waiting for him to tell me what we're doing in an empty restaurant that doesn't look like it's had a customer walk through the door in a number of months, maybe even years.

"Surprise!' Rocco tosses his hands in the air.

I chuckle. "Um, what exactly is the surprise?"

Rocco gestures around. "This restaurant, silly girl!"

"It doesn't look like it's a restaurant anymore," I joke and run my index finger along the surface of the table beside me, leaving a trail where the dust used to be.

"I just bought it!' Rocco exclaims.

I stare at him and he looks like he could explode with joy and excitement.

'Are you fucking serious?" I ask, and I notice how high pitched my voice is becoming, just like his.

"I am fucking serious," Rocco nods, repeating me.

I shake my head in disbelief and watch as Rocco waltzes around the main dining room. "Isn't it great?"

He flexes his biceps and picks up a table, then places it back down again like he's the Incredible Hulk or something.

Rocco makes me giggle. He makes me feel as if I'm bouncing on white fluffy clouds, as cheesy as that sounds.

"It's great," I marvel. "Congratulations, Rocco. Nobody deserves it more than you."

"I can think of someone else pretty deserving." He bites his lip and gets a lusty gaze in his eyes that I'm all too familiar with now.

I watch intently as his desire-filled facial features flush his cheeks.

"Who else deserves it?" I whisper but I already know the answer.

I'm so hot for him right now, I can barely control my breathing.

"You, Hanna." He approaches me and looks down as if he's trying to memorize this private moment between us.

He gazes me with such adoration, that I think I might melt into a puddle on his brand-new restaurant floor.

"I do?" I squeak and fondly look up at him.

He nods and strokes my cheek, then he runs his hands through my hair giving me chill bumps of pleasure.

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