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"Here are the remaining dishes. I need to wrap things up with the guests, so are you okay to finish up in here alone?" Jana turns to leave again.

"Um, sure...," I call over my shoulder as my hands scrub dirty dishes in Rocco's sink.

The party is over and I'm helping Jana clean up the remains of food, fun, and good company.

"Hey, Jana?" I ask before she walks out of the kitchen.

She turns around swiftly and impatiently. "What?"

I am timid to approach her about the payment, but I need to make sure she doesn't forget. "Do you have the tips?" I wince, bracing for the wrath and impact of her reaction.

Just as I suspect, she huffs. "Is that really all you fucking care about? We just finished minutes ago."

"I'm sorry," I say and quickly turn back around.

I pick out a pattern print on the dishes to focus on to keep from crying. I thought my night to be amazing and here Jana is ruining it, just like the fucking bitch she is.

"Fine," she says in an exasperating tone. "Here is your damn money."

She shoves a white envelope at me and I quickly grab it before it falls into the water.

"Thank you," I mumble and when she leaves, I discreetly open it to thumb through the crisp, fresh twenties, fifties, and even some hundred-dollar bills.

I can't help but smile and I even make a tiny squealing sound in delight. Seeing this much money makes agreeing to be a part of the waitstaff tonight so incredibly worth it, I forget all about fucking Jana and her bad fucking vibes.

"Something funny?"

I spin around and notice Rocco standing in front of me with a devilishly fucking grin on his handsome face.

"Uh, no," I chuckle nervously and shove the tips into my apron pocket. I turn back around and start scrubbing the dishes with vigor once again.

"It's okay, you can be proud of your tips," he says and slowly approaches me with his hands in his pockets. "I remember what it's like to be young, impressionable, and excited to have that cash burning a hole in my pocket."

He beams through his dark, gorgeous eyes.

"You do?" I turn the water off and take off the yellow gloves, excited that Rocco is engaging me in so much conversation tonight. If he wants to give me advice on my career, I'm all ears.

"Sure," he moves closer to me with as much confidence and swagger as I'm certain is possible in a man as hot as him.

"I can teach you everything I know," he grins and speaks with smooth charm.

More sexual innuendos. I wonder if he can hear my heart pounding in my chest.

"I'm always up for a good teaching session," I wink mischievously at him, although I have no idea where my flirty confidence is coming from.

There's something different about Rocco that gives me a warm silky sensation and I feel more at ease around him than I normally do.

"It's really quiet," I whisper, observing that all the guests are gone already.

"We're all alone," Rocco leans in.

I breathe in the scent of his cologne, I guess it's probably Polo or something equally as expensive. He smells so fucking good I want to run my hands all over his body.

"It's very private," I croak and bite my lip.

I gaze into his eyes and I'm captivated by every feature of his gorgeous face.

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