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"It's hard to believe it's been six months!" I squeal with delight on the way to the restaurant opening.

"I know, it's fucking crazy." Rocco slaps his hands together. His cheeks flush with excitement and I know how pumped up he is for this moment.

"We really worked hard on this one," I say as we high five each other in the back of the limo, on the way to the opening of our brand spanking new restaurant.

We are calling the place R&H, affectionately to represent our lives together, our partnership and our love for one another.

It couldn't be a better way to celebrate.

"I have something for the ride," Rocco winks at me and opens a cabinet tucked under our seats.

"Of course, you did," I giggle, not putting it past Rocco to explore an option for a surprise any chance he gets.

He pulls out a bottle of rosé champagne and then retrieves two glass flutes.

"Oh, my." I wink at him. "Are you trying to get me drunk?"

"You know it," he grins wildly as he pops the top.

I relish in the way the champagne sounds as it bubbles and splashes into the glasses. When he hands me mine, I hold it up, waiting for his toast.

"To R&H!" He exclaims. "That means to Rocco and Hanna, and to the restaurant," he laughs.

"I'll drink to that!" I shout, and we clink our glasses together in unison.

The champagne hits my belly and gives me an instant warm sensation that runs through my veins which represents all the blood, sweat, and tears we put into the restoration process of the restaurant.

"I can't wait to do the ribbon cutting," I say.

"Who says you get to do that part?" Rocco teases, and I know he's only kidding.

The man is seriously ready to appease me around every corner and he is my true love forever.

"Now come here and give me a sensual kiss, you sexy girl," Rocco draws me in by scooping me up with one of his strong and burly arms.

I take a deep breath, inhaling the masculine spicy scent of his cologne. "You are so fucking hot," I toss my leg over his waist. "How the hell did I get so lucky to snag you?"

"I think it's the other way around and I'm the fortune one," he beams and kisses me. His lips are warm and cool at the same time, melty and refreshing all at once.

I mold into his flexed muscles and I'm lost in the sensation of lust for him.

Our driver coughs to interrupt us and captures our attention. "Um, we are here sir and madam." He points to the restaurant on the side of the street and we notice a line out the door.

"Holy shit!" I exclaim and point out the window. "Rocco!" I punch his arm. "Take a look at all those people waiting to get inside!"

I jump up and down in my seat and watch as Rocco calmly takes it all in, absorbing it with a look of profound wonder etching across his gorgeous, hunky face.

"Wow," he says, and nothing more. "Just wow."

"I know, incredible right?" I shriek. Apparently, I'm doing all the talking for both of us in this moment.

"Magical," Rocco whispers and continues to stare out the window.

"Come on then." I tug his arm. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

We allow the first five hundred customers into the building and close the doors. The chefs, including myself and Rocco and all our waitstaff, stand together as I cut the ribbon and Rocco toasts to a successful venture.

My heart swells with pride to be a part of this wonderful business and I can't wait to hit the ground running.

After the restaurant closes for the night, I'm full of exhilaration.

"What a whirlwind," I say and sit down at Rocco's Hampton's house. His living room overlooks the sand dunes leading to the beach and it's extremely romantic.

Rocco doesn't respond.

"Roc? Don't you think it was amazing?" I spin around to find him and he's down on bended knee, with a huge rock of a diamond twinkling in a little black box.

My eyes flood with tears. "What is this?" I point with a whisper.

"Hanna, I love you so much. You make me a better chef, person, and man. You are my best friend and I want to spend every day for the rest of my life telling you how much you mean to me. Will you marry me?"

I'm numb but in a euphoric way. Then all at once, the joyous emotions flood my spirit and drive me into his open embrace where I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Yes!" I shout. "Yes, I'll marry you!"

We kiss and my body tingles from my head to my toes. "This feels so good," I moan as he rubs my back with his fingers and affectionately undresses me with tender zeal.

He pops my erect nipples into his mouth and tugs on my bottom lip. He puts his hand between my legs and I spread them wide while he finger fucks me, making me wet.

I suck his cock, filling my mouth as he throbs and pulses on my tongue.

His fingers are working magic on my clitoris, swirling and tickling in perfect circles that drive me wild and make me moan out with ecstasy.

"I'm going to come," I yell and arch my back, shaking my hips and inner thighs as the climax builds and explodes within.

"Damn you're sexy," he says and takes the tip of his cock to maneuver it between my legs, pushing it all the way into my soaking, glistening pussy with a grunt and a groan.

"Oh, yeah," I say and ride on top of him at first.

"We are the best team...in the kitchen and in the sack," Rocco pants and says through each pounding thrust inside of me.

I wiggle my hips around as he moves me beneath him. I wrap my legs around his waist and dig my heels into his ass cheeks as my climax builds once again.

"You are hitting my g-spot," I announce, and the pleasure makes me tingle.

"I'm going to come," he says.

"Me too, let's do it together," I scream out in the hottest moan possible.

Rocco grunts and thrusts with vigor then pulls out to spray his hot load of cum all over my tits.

I'm dripping with his man juices and we both are a sweaty mess.

"That was so fucking good," he says and runs his hands through his hair.

"I love you," I say and feel an overwhelming urge to kiss him again.

"My fiancé, you are my world," I press my lips to his.

"We'll have the wedding of the century," he grins.

"I can't wait," I sigh and melt into his arms, ready for a life shared together.

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