Sorry ):

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hey babes! thiora here!

I know we left you guys hanging for quite a long time now, and I really wished it didn't have to happen but Elanna sort of disappeared off at some point because of university so I guess we kind of took a break.

Unfortunately, it pains us to tell you guys but this book is going to be discontinued, meaning that we aren't going to write it anymore, there won't be any updates, it's just going to be left like this. The book will still be up for anyone who wants to read the five chapters that are already there, but it won't be continued any longer.

We're so sorry this is happening but there were multiple reasons for why we wanted to do this. Since Elanna went on her university break and it was her turn to write the next chapter, I just continued writing my other books and waited for her to return. During that time period, I sort of lost interest in the book and a big reason for that is because I wasn't really enjoying writing it during the time that I did.

When planning the book, Elanna and I decided a comedy/drama approach. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and write humor, and it was pretty successful since you guys seemed to like my chapters too, but I found myself struggling quite a bit writing the chapters in a comedic, sit-com sort of style. Basically I tried the experience but didn't really like it.

I found that I was forcing myself to write humor, and I really didn't like that. I found myself trying to write like how Elanna writes her books you know? And I didn't like that because then the book didn't feel like me if that makes any sense.

Like I was dreading it sometimes when it was my turn to write the next chapter, because in my mind I was like ok I have to come up with really good humor that's like as good as Elanna's otherwise the readers won't be satisfied since a majority of them are hers. So even when that break or hiatus or whatever happened I felt relieved because I didn't have to worry about coming up with funny jokes for Stargirl, and I could just focus on my own books.

I didn't want to continue the book because it felt like at the moment it was only going to go in the direction of humor, and it seemed to me, more like one of Elanna's books than a mixture of both of ours, you know with my drama and shit. There was also that thing where most of the readers' first instinct was to think everything was Elanna's planning, when we both planned it together because it was a collaboration. I know I put a note up and explained myself concerning this and everyone was so supportive, but I feel like that was going to be something I would still have to deal with for the rest of the book, so that was another reason why I just wasn't feeling it anymore.

Elanna of course agreed to discontinue the book because she's sweet enough to understand where I was coming from, and didn't want to force me to write something I was uncomfortable with. Even Elanna herself noticed that the chapters I was writing were more like her writing style than my own, because she knows I write sad and dramatic shit, like I barely ever do humor because I'm someone who prefers to make my readers cry and roll on the floor screaming at their phone than like laugh lmao. Plus, communication was difficult between us and for me just wasn't good enough. It wasn't something that wasn't improving so it didn't work out.

I hope you guys understand where I'm coming from, since I was the one who wanted to discontinue it. I hope you're not mad at me lol (you probably are), it's a great book and it saddens me to discontinue it but I'm constantly reminded of how I wasn't thoroughly enjoying it and how I didn't feel like myself when writing it. Plus during my time not writing Stargirl, I've kind of discovered that I want to do things a little differently with my fanfics and Stargirl just wasn't going to fit that.

But honestly, I did enjoy some of the experience, like writing the first chapter in particular and creating the characters, and it wasn't all gone to waste because I made an amazing new friend, Elanna, and gained a lot of amazing readers too like some of you guysssss.

Elanna and I agreed that I'd explain majority of why we decided to discontinue it, and she'd also give her perspective as well as explain the rest of the plot because you guys deserve to know what happens.

However, she hasn't replied to my messages so idk when she'll do it. Hopefully she will.

I love you all and once again I'm really sorry. My mind has been made up about this for a while now, and there's other reasons I don't want to talk about because I don't want any bad blood !!

Thank you and love you all x

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