Chapter 2

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When I woke up that morning, the sunrise was just how I remembered it. Beautiful, with vibrant colors that painted the sky like a canvas. I always woke up earlier than everyone, except for Drea. She was always up as the ass-crack of dawn. When I was little I always asked her why she got up when it was still dark out. She always replied with, 'sometimes you see better when it's dark'. Of course I never knew what it meant. Coming from her it could be some deep, beautiful quote, or it could be that she just liked to confuse me.

I stumbled out of my bed still wearing the t-shirt and shorts from last night. I could see the beach from my window, and when we were little, Levi used to throw the biggest fits because his window had the view of a little sandy beach road, which he had always hated, while my window had the view of a beautiful beach, where I could see on for miles.

I changed before I went downstairs and I threw my hair into a ponytail. When I reached the bottom of the steps, Drea was eating a bowl of Lucky Charms and reading a magazine.

"Morning." I said, entering the kitchen and grabbing myself a bowl and some Rice Crispies.

"Morning." She replied, flipping a page.

"Beach looks great today. I'm thinking of going swimming. Wanna come?" I asked, hopeful that she'd say yes.

"You know I would, Lex, but me and your mother have lunch plans. Rain check?"

"Of course." I smiled. "But I'm holding that to you."

She winked at me from her spot at the breakfast bar just as Levi stumbled down the stairs.

"Look who decided to get up before 1! Look, Drea! He's up!" I practically tackled Levi as he entered the kitchen and he easily swiped me off of him and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"Momma, I'm hanging with some friends today down at the pier, is that alright?" Levi asked, opening the fridge and drinking the orange juice straight from the carton.

"'Course, baby. But if you don't learn how to use cups soon, I'm going to have to make you stay home and learn how to drink things properly." She said with a smirk. She was looking down at her magazine the whole time, yet it was typical Levi to do something like that, and she knew it.

Levi closed the fridge and began walking out of the kitchen. "Yes, momma." He said. He planted a kiss on the top of her head and she patted his arm.

I followed him out and caught up to him.

"Hey, can I come with you?" I asked.

I felt 10 again. Whenever Levi would go somewhere with his friends, I would always beg to come along. And if he ever said no, I would throw a huge fit, and Drea would make him take me. But now I was older and I didn't really have to ask, but it felt like I was supposed to because that's what I had always done.

"Uhm, sure, I guess. It's just gonna be me and a bunch of other guys. We're gonna be at the arcade and checking girls out, but if you really wanna go..."

"Well, I don't mean hang out with you. I just need a ride there." I lied.

I didn't need a ride there. The pier was easily a block away, and I used to walk there everyday when I was thirteen. But I still liked to be included in things every now and then.

"Yeah, that's cool. I'm leaving at 12." He said.

It was only 7 so I had a couple hours to spare. With nothing in mind I sat down on the couch and began to read one of Drea's old magazines about home decor.


"Wake up!"

Someone was shaking my shoulder. I rubbed my tired eyes and squinted up at the figure above me.

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