Chapter 5

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It was a lazy afternoon, a Sunday, I think. The waves were lapping at the sides of the boat, creating a casual sway. Levi and Matt were somewhere in the back of the boat drinking and laughing and joking around. Early this morning Matt had called and invited us to go out on his dad's boat for a day, and Levi had to pay me $20 to go.

I was sitting at the highest point of the boat, lazing around on a towel and listening to my iPod. I didn't know he was standing over me until I saw his dark shadow casting across the deck. I squinted my eyes open and Matt was standing there smiling, and Levi was a couple feet away from him grabbing two beers from a cooler. I pulled my headphones out and looked at him expectantly.

"Wanna beer?" Matt asked

"No, I don't drink."

"Not since she got busted. Last year we had a party and her mom found out she had some beers and flipped shit. Hasn't drank since."

I rolled my eyes and put my headphones back in. Matt waved his hand again and I took them out with a sigh.

"We're gonna take a dip, come with us."

I looked around. We were literally in the middle of nowhere.

"Do you know how deep it is out here? There's now way I'm swimming."

"You're such a party pooper." Matt teased, but it just annoyed me.

"There are sharks and stuff. I don't feel comfortable swimming out here."

"Alright" It was obvious he got the hint that I was annoyed.

Matt and Levi stood at the edge of the ledge, daring each other to jump. I should've asked for more than just a twenty.

This morning Jack didn't text me, but I didn't take it to heart. Whatever happened last night was definitely in the heat of the moment. We had only known each other for three days. Four, now. I couldn't help but feel things were getting a but rushed. I suddenly felt embarrassed for telling him how much I liked him last night. Maybe he didn't text me because he thought I was going too quick? I wasn't going to beat myself up about it, and decided to take the liberty and text him first. As I picked up my phone, my mind seemed to have a thought if it's own, and I ended up dialing his number instead.

I dialed his number and it rang two times before someone answered.

"Hello?" A high pitched voice squeaked into the phone.

"Um, yeah. Hi. Is jack there?" I asked. I didn't recall Jack saying he was here with anyone but Jack, so it must've been one of his friends.

"Yeah, actua-"

"Taylor! Give me the fucking phone!" I heard Jack yell with a laugh.

"No!" She squealed and it sounded like she was running.

"He's not available at the moment. Could I take a message?"

I wondered if she knew it was me. Probably not. If she did she probably wouldn't be so nice.

Levi and Taylor had an on and off thing since I was 10. I remember because I had a crush on Levi at the time, and she was always following him around, and he never got annoyed with her like he did with me. They used to talk on the phone all night, and I remembered Drea asking Levi about it, and he said they had broke up and would storm down to the beach and stay there for a couple of hours. One day Levi and I had taken a walk to the pier and he had bought me this necklace I had begged my mom for. I hugged him so tight and kissed his cheek afterward. I guess Taylor had seen, because later that night Levi stormed to my room and said it was my fault that she had broken up with him. Again. When I asked why, he said one of Taylor's friends had seen me hug and kiss him at the pier, and she thought he was cheating on her with me. He said she had told him that we were like brother and sister, and that it was gross. I was ten at the time, and I never saw it that way. Her and Levi had always been off and on, and for some reason, she has always disliked me. Jealousy, I think is the reason. That makes me happy though. Usually girls like Taylor aren't jealous of anyone. It gave me a weird sense of pride.

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