Chapter 11

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"Get up. Please." Levi begged. He was holding a plate of starfish shaped pancakes from a little cafe down the road.

I just sighed. I hadn't eaten in two days, and the pancakes smelled amazing, but when I thought of eating it made me queasy.

"You have to get out of bed. You haven't eaten. Or gone to the bathroom. You've been holed up in here for two days, doing nothing but crying. This isn't healthy."

"I don't care." I whimpered. Just as Levi was about to start a rant about how I should have known, or should have been more careful, my mom cleared her throat from the doorway. She smiled at Levi and he gave me one last look before walking out and closing the door.

"Oh, Lexi." She sighed. She sat on the end of the bed and I curled my legs up tighter.

"I know you're sad. I know it hurts. When your father cheated on me I couldn't properly function for seven months. He was the love of my life. Have you ever been in love?"

I wanted to ignore her, to pull the blankets over my head and scream at her to shut up, but instead I shook my head.

"Well one day when you do fall in love, it's like the best and worst thing. It's so amazing- you never knew you could have a feeling like that. Like you could love someone so much- but it can also be the most painful thing you've ever felt."

I stayed quite and she rubbed my leg for a couple minutes until she spoke up again.

"I think- I think this happened for the better. I mean, it's summertime. This thing you had with Jack- it couldn't have lasted very long. It's better that you ended it now, versus in a couple months when you're madly in love." She made a dumb face when she said madly, trying to make me smile but if anything it pissed me off.

"Please, just go mom. I want to sleep." She sighed and leant forward to kiss my head before leaving without a sound. As soon as she closed the door Levi walked back in.

"We need to talk."

"What is there possibly to talk about?" I groaned. I just wanted to cry in peace.

"About what happened the other day. With... Jack." He said it cautiously like I might combust at the sound of his name.

"There is nothing to say. It's pretty self explanatory."

"No- no. There is something to say. He's my friend, and... And he didn't cheat on you. God, I love you Lexi but sometimes you can be such an over dramatic bitch." He spat.

I sat up. "You came in here wanting to talk to me when you know I'm feeling like shit and you're going to start calling me a bitch? Get out." I motioned towards the door. I don't think I had ever spoken to him so coldly in my life.

"No, let me finish. You weren't even dating when he hooked up with Taylor. And she hooks up with everyone. It meant nothing to him, he told me. And you know this. You know Taylor is a slut and nothing with her ever means anything. I know you're hurt because he had sex with her but you weren't dating at the time! So he didn't cheat on you! Do you get what I'm saying, Lexi! All this," he made big circling motions with his arms, "is because you thought he was 'cheating' on you. I'm sorry but that is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. He is a good guy, and while I might not wholeheartedly support your relationship with him, I will tell you straight up that he is a good guy and if he would've known that something was going to happen between you guys, he never would have done it."

I didn't speak. I wanted him to be wrong so badly but deep inside I knew he was right.

"Call him." Levi said, and then walked out of the room, closing the door with a soft click.

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