Chapter 12

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The day had gone by so fast. Maybe it was because I had spent half of it lying in bed, or maybe it was because I spent the other half with Jack, swimming and lounging at the beach under the warm sun and blue sky. He had looked so cute, his hair tussled with sand and salt water and his olive colored skin seeming to shine in the sun.

But now, we were lying in my bed, the tiny box tv playing Finding Nemo while it rained outside in the humid summer night.

The blankets were pulled to my chin and Jack was mindlessly drawing little shapes with his fingers on my back as I laid partially on his chest, while it slowly moved up and down. His other hand had ventured down to my hip where it rested and every now and then, gave a reassuring squeeze as if to tell me he was still awake or something.

"You're so cute." I could feel his mouth pull up into a smile.

"Why do you say that?" I asked, rubbing my leg on his.

"Cause the way you react to movies and stuff- it's cute."

"You look cute when you react to stuff, too." I said.

"Oh yeah, like what?"

"I don't know," I mumbled. "Like when I kiss you."

My cheeks turned a little red. I was just testing the waters- seeing what was acceptable to say and what was going to far- and so far, he seemed to react perfectly to everything I was saying.

"Yeah, I do like when you do that."

And with that, I leant up to kiss him. His nose rubbed mine and I had to turn a little so our mouths could touch at a normal angle.

His hand that was on my hip was now on my lower back, and his fingers were gently digging into my skin.

I had never done anything like this before with someone. I've kissed a boy and hugged a boy before, but this was a whole new world to me so it was so surprising when I wasn't hesitant to kiss him full force. I was a little embarrassed though, because I didn't know what to do or how to kiss perfectly, but he didn't seem to mind.

Was this bad, that we were moving so fast? Was I a hypocrite for calling Taylor a slut when I was making out with Jack nearly two weeks after we had met? The whole scenario was a little quickened, if you asked me. We began to 'date' within the first week of meeting each other, and here we were a couple of steps and a few clothes away from having sex. I tried not to think about it and tried to just copy his movements.

We had forgotten all about the movie and my face was burning up. Maybe it was because of our proximity or maybe I was embarrassed of being this intimate with someone. His hand traveled from my lower back to the top of my butt and he gave it a firm squeeze, and I yelped in surprise into his mouth, and he just have a throaty laugh. I didn't want to have sex, that was for sure. I had to make sure we stopped before we did anything like that. But we didn't have to stop just yet.

His hands were traveling all over my body now and all I could hear was his breath and every now and then, his quiet moans. The rain outside was still audible and I tried to listen to the steady beat of the rain drops to slow my heart.

I tried to copy his hands. A left hand into his hair, a right hand onto his chest. Was I doing this right? I felt like I was such a bad kisser. I was so shocked that I had willingly began this little session with him without a second thought. He bit my lower lip and I accidentally moaned, making him squeeze my butt again, which made me tense up my muscles in stomach. Was it good that I moaned? It didn't even feel good, it just felt weird and different and my moan was a combination of his name all jumbled up in my lips and a surprised sigh.

He seemed so good at this, I tried not to think how bad I was. His free hand ventured to the hem of my shirt where I felt his hand slowly slither up onto my stomach. His hand was so cold and I quickly developed goose bumps, and his lips moved to my neck where he seemed to... lick me? Then he nibbled and I was confused if it felt good or not.

I was sitting on top of him and his hand began to get closer and closer to my breasts. Should we stop? I didn't want to. It felt so weird but at the same time so good that I wasn't sure if I was totally against it. I pulled back, grabbing his hand that was in my shirt on the way out. I looked down at him, his hair askew and his cheeks pink and lips swollen. I had the urge to do things with him that I've never had the urge to do with anyone in this world before. He bit his lower lip and looked at me slightly confused.

"Not... Yet." I breathed, referring to whatever he was thinking when he stuck his hands up my shirt. He looked a little disappointed but quickly recovered with a smile.

"Of course," he said, leaning forward to give me one last, gentle kiss. "Not yet, baby."

I slowly scooted off of him and laid back down on my pillow, and he wrapped his arm around me.

"I've never kissed anyone like that before." I said, laying to where my back was facing him and his chest was creating a warm shield around me. I touched my lips, wanting to do it again but knowing that I would probably want more than that.

"You were so good, babygirl." He mumbled into the back of my neck. My heart fluttered at his words. I loved his choice of pet names.

Nemo still played in the background, the part where Nemo is dared to go touch the 'butt', and I thought about when Jack touched mine. The rain was coming down even harder now, and I could tell I was on the verge of sleep.

"You can stay the night." I said, slightly turning my neck to face him.

"Good." He whispered, leaning in to give me one last kiss on the nose before I pulled the blankets back up to my neck and pushed my back farther into his warm chest, thinking about his lips on mine.


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