Art is my passion and I'm sharing it here. Come take a look, you might see what you're looking for.
Fantasy creatures
I don't know if you'd be interested, this sort of things aren't really drawing. Nor will I count it as a form of art... Though there's a little creativity in it, I should say.
So, just recently, I thought of making one of my favorite asian food, japanese dumplings or simply called gyoza.
Have you tasted one? You should try, it's delicious.
It's simple to make, the only difficult part is, for me, mincing. You see, I'm too careful not to cut my own fingers.
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Thanks to Youtube, I got five ways of folding it, and still practicing. It may look simple and easy, yes, but you have to be careful not to tear the thin wrapper.
Here's to make you hungry.
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.