Druadan Forest

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After reading the The Return of the King, I became interested about the Druedain living North of Ithilien, I wish Tolkien wrote more about them. When Aragorn became King he travelled a lot, passed Druadan and declared the forest will forever belong to the Druedain, or the Woses as men call them. Their help during the last war turned out to be very fruitful.

And so I decided to write about them in The Songs of Spring, where the conflict revolves around the threat of Elves entering Druadan. When Legolas went to Ithilien, he helped Faramir clean the orc and rebel infested land, since Elves cannot enter Druadan without invitation, the forest became a refuge to some outlaws and even orcs.

Anyway, here's a sketch of Old Aghan's tree-house and inside Druadan forest.

Titile: Old Aghan's House

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