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This is a gift for zahera37 , it's her lovely cat Riversong doing orchid-sitting. It's in her book, you may check it out. I hope you'll like it my friend. 😊

Medium: Colored pens
Title: Orchid-sitting

Original drawing

I adjusted the lighting and added a name

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I adjusted the lighting and added a name.

It's not exactly the same as the picture, (I removed the sticks that supported the orchid, I wish I had bigger sketchpad too)  but I hope you will like this

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

It's not exactly the same as the picture, (I removed the sticks that supported the orchid, I wish I had bigger sketchpad too)  but I hope you will like this. 😃

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