Waiting..,Digital Art

57 14 7

I can't think of a title, she looked like waiting so thus the title.lol. Anyway..just practicing again, Digital art is new to me, I have a lot to learn..(haven't touch my pencils and sketcpad for 3 weeks now).

Her dress isn't flawless, this is a rush work, apologies. I didn't think of the background, I found out I could add shapes so I played with it.

 I didn't think of the background, I found out I could add shapes so I played with it

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Up close...again, I'm so lazy to make her dress a little more detailed.. This is it for now.

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¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

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