Jason McCann Part 3

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Jason's Point of View

It's 6o'clock, I anxiously wait for (y/n) to arrive. I tap my foot on the floor while I sit on the couch. I look out the window and see her car pull up. I jump out of my seat and run outside.

"You actually came." I say excited.

"Yeah." She says, opening the door for (y/d/n) to get out. She immediately runs towards me.

"Daddy!" She squeals, my little girl just called me daddy. I bend down to her level and open my arms, she runs straight into them. I hug her tightly, but gently. "I always wanted to meet you daddy! I'm so happy I have!"

"I'm so happy I've met you too!" I whisper.

She pulls away.

"I drew this for you." She says handing me a folded piece of paper. I unfold it, it's beautiful. "It's of me and you, daddy."

I hug her.

"It's wonderful, I love it."


"Come on, lets go inside." I say taking her hand.

We all go inside.

"Wow, the place it really clean." (y/n) says taking off her coat.

"I cleaned it earlier, Za left it a mess."

"I bet he did." She laughs. "Can I use your microwave to heat up dinner?"

"Sure, go for it."

"I made spaghetti." She says, pressing the buttons on the microwave.

"Really? I missed your spaghetti so much."

"It's (y/d/n)'s favourite, I guess she gets that from you." She smiles. I smile. "Can I talk to you for a second, alone?"

I gulp.


We walk into the hallway so (y/d/n) can't hear us.

"I haven't exactly told (y/d/n) where you were for these past few years, if she asks say you were working and there was no way of calling or coming to see her. I just don't really want to tell her the truth." She sighs, not being able to look at me.

"I-" I was interrupted by her hugging me. I hug back and rub her back.

"I m-missed you s-so much. I really w-wish you were there-e. If only y-you could-d've seen her grow-w up. I wish-h I could've had t-those memories w-with you. It was s-so hard-d being a s-single m-mom." She sobs into my chest. I just hold her tightly.

"I missed you too, I wish I was there. I can only imagine how amazing it would've been to see her grow up, and to witness it with you. And I'm sure it would've been difficult being a single mom, I'm sorry for that, but look at the beautiful young girl you raised on your own. She's perfect, I'm so proud of you, you did a wonderful job. Sure our situation wasn't ideal, but at least we are able to create new memories." I tell her.

She looks up at me, tears on her cheeks. She quickly leans up and kisses me, I was shocked but then I kissed back. It was passionate, it was everything. We pull away.

"I missed that." I smirk.

"I missed it too." She blushes.

The timer for the microwave went off, we headed back into the kitchen.

We ate the spaghetti. (y/d/n) and I got it all over our faces, (y/n) had to wipe it off.

We then moved into the living room and watched Finding Nemo, at (y/d/n)'s request. She came and sat down next to me and by the end of the movie she fell asleep on me.

When it was time to leave, I carried (y/d/n) to the car and buckled her in, I kissed her forehead. I closed the door and turned to (y/n), I hugged her.

"Thank you for coming today, I'm really thankful that you did." I say into her neck.

"I'm happy I came. Do you maybe want to go to the park with us tomorrow?" She asks.

"I'd love to." I smile.

"Okay." She pecks my cheek and hopes in the car, she drives away but I know she'll be back.


The next day we go to the park, we have ice cream and its great. 2 months later I'm still around them. (y/d/n) has really started to love me, and I her. 6 months later I nervously asked (y/n) to marry me, which she did the same day. A few years after that we had 2 more kids. We the youngest turned 14 we decided to tell them were I actually was for the five years. They took it okay, (y/d/n) was shocked, she didn't talk to me for a few days but then she realised that I wasn't like that anymore and she was okay with it.

So I guess I made a few mistakes in my life, but look at what I have now. A beautiful wife who I tell everyday that I love her and I'm sorry for what I did. And 3 beautiful, healthy kids that I love with all my heart.

The end.


I don't think I'm good at Jason McCann ones, so try to keep them as Justin ones. It depends what the Jason ones are about though.

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BTW, really random question. If I say 'I catch bus', does it seem wrong? Like of course I know it's meant to be 'I catch the bus' but at school we all say catch bus, I don't know if it's an Australian thing or an adolescent thing. But I think it's just our school because when I asked my mum she said she didn't understand. If it's weird I guess it sounds the same as I catch train. I don't know, lol, this was so random.

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