Burnt Pancakes

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You wake up to the sound of an alarm and clunking noises from downstairs.

You see the bed is empty, you jump out and head downstairs.

When you walk into the kitchen you are immediately hit with the smell of burning and the sight of your boyfriend standing over the frying pan.

"Justin! What did you do?" You laugh.

"I was trying to make you pancakes, and I left the room."

"Why would you leave the room!"

You take the frying pan from him and place it in the sink. You open a few windows to let the smoke out.

Justin stands on a chair and turns the alarm off.

"Sorry." He says sheepishly.

"It's fine baby. How about I help you now?"

"Okay." He smiles.

You get a fresh bowl and start making a new batter.

"You have so much flour in your hair." You tell him.

"Ugh." He dusts it out. "I just tried to make you pancakes."

"Thank you babe." You kiss his cheek. "It's the thought that counts."

You go back to mixing and he wraps his arms around your waist and rests his head on your shoulder.


You place the last few pancakes on your plate and drizzle some maple syrup on them.

You take the plate and walk into the lounge room where Justin's waiting for you. He turns the t.v on to F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

"So no one told you life was gonna be this way." You quietly sing.

You and Justin clap.

You both continue singing the song trying to sing louder than each other.

By the end of it you both are screaming in each others faces.

"I love you." He laughs.

"I love you too."

He leans in to kiss you but you back away, he frowns.

"You have maple syrup all over your face." You complain.

"Do I?" He keeps moving closer to you, trapping you against a wall.

"No, Jay." You laugh.

He holds your arms above your head and kisses all over your face. You scrunch your nose up and he kisses it.

He stays millimetres away from your face.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too."

He connects his lips with yours and you share a passionate kiss.

He breaks away.

"You're such a dork."

"I know, but I'm your dork." He smirks.

Thoughts? I'm not hearing from you guys lately :(

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