Life Is Worth Living

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Justin's Point of View

I stare at the sea below me.

Wind cold against my face.

Tears dripping down my cheeks.

I can't do it anymore.

I can't take life without her.

Without my wife.

Without Emily.

Closing my eyes I take a deep breath.

I start to move forward.

"Stop." I hear behind me.

Snapping my head towards the voice I see a girl standing, watching carefully, with concern.

"C-come over here. It's okay." She soothes.

"No. No it's not okay. She's dead."

"Trust me, its not worth it."

"Live is not worth living without her." I sigh.

I look back down.

"I lost someone too." She says. "He was my boyfriend. He was in the army, he got shot. I couldn't handle it without him. I came here, I jumped and regretted it instantly. I held onto the end. I felt as if I was pushed back up by someone. He didn't want me to do it, I doubt she would want you to do it either."

I turned back to face her.

She held out a hand.

My feet started moving me towards her without me thinking about it.

I take her hand.

She hugs me.

I hug back and cry, she allows me to.

"My n-name's J-Justin."

"Mine's (y/n)."


4 months later.

I'm so much better.

I still miss my wife but I've learnt to make peace with it.

Over these months I've gone to support groups and therapists.

They've proved affective but what's helped me the most is (y/n).

She's become my best friend, someone who knows exactly what its like to lose everything.

I've felt guilty these past few weeks because I don't think I see her as just a friend anymore.

I can't shake the feeling of betrayal towards Emily.

But last night I had a dream.

It felt so real.

Emily was there, she was telling me it's okay. That she wants me to move on.

"Um, (y/n)?" I ask.

We're currently walking in a park. We're alone at a large pond. She just feed the ducks some bread.

"Mm, yes Justin?" She turns to me.

"I do I thank you enough for helping me?"

"Of course." She smiles. "You thank me everyday."

"I just want you to know how much I appreciate you in my life. You've not just saved my life but given me a purpose for living. I was lost but then you found me. I don't think I could ever repay you. You're someone that I can talk easily to about anything" I gulp. "I don't know if I'm going to make this awkward or if this is too fast but, I-I like you. I felt guilty for it, but I had a dream last night. Emily wanted me to move on. I-I understand if you don't want to but, I don't want to keep anything from you."

I keep my head hanging low, hands in my pockets and my posture shy.

"I-I like you too. I felt guilty also, but I had a dream. It was so real. Andy was there and he was telling me it was okay to feel this way."

I look up to see her looking at me with a small smile on her lips.

"So, now what?" She asks.

"Would you maybe want to go on a date tonight?"

"I'd love to."


We ended up going on that date, and another, an another, and another.

Five months after that I asked her to marry me. She said yes.

We currently have 3 beautiful children and both couldn't be happier.

I'll never stop loving Emily, just as (y/n) will never stop loving Andy.

Yet what (y/n) and I have is something different and a love in a different way then what I had with Emily. We give each other our entire heart and love each other unconditionally.

I guess life is worth living.

Question- What do you want to be when you're older?

I want to be a teacher or an actor. (I take drama and child studies at school)

Justin Bieber Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now